Chapter 7: The Betrayel

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Jules, Tyrone, Janey, and a handicapped Thilonias walked through the royal gardens full of beautiful flowers. They came up to Sir Kevin Amir, the knight that always stands gaurd. "Jules! Janey! Tyrone! How good to see you! Oh, Thilonias um..." "What Kevin?", Jules asked. "Well, we aren't allowed to bring dragons into the building.", Kevin said looking down. " What? Kevin, Theo always comes to the palace! You know him, you've taken him on walks!", Jules said. "I would love to have Thilonias come in but this was a direct order from the king.", Kevin explained. "Can I speak to Josh?", Jules asked. "Of course come in, we'll take Theo to the stables." When they went inside they sat down and patiently waited for Josh. When he finally came down he seemed different. Usually, he would slop down the stairs with a bag of chips, still in his pajamas. Now, he came down, in a white outfit with his shiny crown and stood tall. "Hello Jules, Tyrone, Janey. To what do I owe the pleasure.", said Josh. They grew confused. Jules noticed that Josh had a new haircut, just like Nathaniel's." Nice haircut, anyways we are here to talk to you about something.",Jules said. "Well go right ahead.", Josh said. "Well yesterday I was flying Theo and someone shot him. We thought it was Nathaniel, so we went to ask him. He said no, but he explained how there is going to be a dragon banning, and you're on board with it. Is that true?" Josh's face turned red and he signaled his gaurd to leave the room. Josh sat down, sweat beating down his face. His authoritarian look faded into worry and guilt."Well, Jules you have to understand why we are planning on doing this.", Josh said. "Wait! Nathaniel was right? You want to take away my dragon?", Jules said. "Jules, the reason we're doing this is so everyone can stay safe!", Josh explained. "It's for the greater good." Jules stood up. "The greater good of who? Nathaniel? Do you seriously think dragons would hurt people?", Jules yelled. Josh stoodup."It's a precaution! I don't want anyone to get hurt!". "This is coming from the guy who gave Theo the Heimlec when he was choking! The guy who has taken him on walks! The guy who I thought was a hero!"., Jules exclaimed."Are you also banning Em$ta, what are you gonna do with her? You gonna kill her like you did that innocent dragon? I can't believe this first Thilonias gets shot now-" Jules looked up. She saw that Josh was guiltier then before, and trying to avoid eye-contact."Wait did you- no you couldn't have. ...did you?", Josh looked at her," I did what I had to do". Jules couldn't believe what she heard. The tears almost came, but she kept a stiff upper lip. She stormed out of the palace in tears. Janey followed but Tyrone stopped and looked at Josh. "I hope you understand what you've done.", he walked  closer,"I don't stand up alot but you have taken away what Jules loves most. You asshole", Tyrone stormed out along with Janey and Jules  

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