Chapter 6: The Gun Shot

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"What happened?", Jules said grogily as she realised she was in a hospital bed. "Well someone shot Thilonias while you guys were flying.", Janey said. Jules almost fainted when hearing this. "WHAT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN! WHERE IS HE!",  Jules paracticely yelled. Janey nodded her head toward another bed. There, laid Thilonias strapped to multiple machines fast asleep. Suddenly, Tyrone charged into the room. "Jules! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need something?," He said while running around the room hitting his head on multiple things in the room. Janey got up and back-handed Tyrone in the face."Snap out of it!", said Janey. "Guys, did you identify who shot us?", Jules asked, not paying attention to Janey's skillful slap. "Well, he took a picture of the guy running away", Tyrone said handing her a picture of a boy with slick back hair running away with a rifle in his hands."I know that black hair! Let's go!", Jules said jumping out of the hospital bed and picking up Thilonias. They put him in a wheel chair and found a place to put his medicines and machinery. They rolled him out of the hospital and left with anger fuming in their hearts.


They all stood before the gold-plated door and knocked using the bronze knocker. Withing seconds Nathaniel opened the door, ugly poodle in hand."Well well well, if it isn't the dragon kisser", he said with a smirk."Nathaniel what were you doing yesterday afternoon?", Jules asked."Why do you want to know?", asked Nathaniel, looking at his nails."Well, if yo must know, my dragon was shot, and knowing your hatred for dragons, I'd say you did it.", Jules said in an accusitory tone. Nathaniel's grin faded and his left eyebrow raised to the sky looking at Thilonias in a wheel chair. "Well, I do hate those little beasts, but sadly, I do not own a gun. While I would like to shake the hand of the person who did, I did not shoot your vile monster.", Nathaniel said, while Theo was hissing."Also, I'd keep your dragons in check, everyone knows those things are evil and hostile." Jules eyes sharpended and fixed on Nathaniel's evil smirk."Nathaniel, dragons don't hurt people, people hurt dragons." Nathaniel rolled his eyes," Well, even if they were loveable little animals, Kellymore still hates them. And King Josh is completely on board with the dragon banning." Jules looked confused,"What dragon banning?" "Oh, you didn't hear, the royal council is planning  on banning every single dragon. But, they won't stop there, they are going to ban every magical creature in all of Kellymore!", Nathaniel said,"And even if they don't go through with the plans, the anti-dragon community will be protesting everyday until they do. Good luck to you and your beasts". Nathaniel abruptly closed the door in Jules' face. Jules couldn't believe what Nathaniel said. "Is Josh really going to ban all mythical beasts?", Jules muttered. Tyrone worry wrinkle indented his fore head,"Jules, we know Josh, he would never do this." Jules looked up to the tall Tyrone," Only one way to find out.

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