Chapter 14: The Trial

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"We gather here to determine the penalty of the infamous Jules Moonas. Today we are accompanied by King Joshua Ghallager, who will be deciding her fate, Xavier Ghallager, Joshua's father, and the lovely Queen Lyla. I am Justice Wyoming. Let's begin", the judge said while Jules stood before them. "Let's examine your record. You have been to jail for assault, dragon misusage, and not following the new code of conduct on dragon ownership, how do you plead.". Jules looked down and thought. It's to late now for lies."Guilty", Jules said. The jury gasped along with Tyrone in the audience."Well, adding up all of your crimes it seems as though the only proper course of action is execution.But of course it's up to you Joshua.". Josh looked around as if searching for an answer. Sweat beat down his head as he grabbed the gavel slowly. He picked it up and was about to hammer it onto the stand. But, he froze. He got up and dashed out of the court room. His dad tried to hide his anger while following. The judge became a bit worried and he turned to the room."Let's have a small recess". The room emurged with people exiting their seats. Jules went outside for fresh air. She walked near a pillar and took in a large breath."Josh, what the hell is wrong with you!", Xavier yelled. Jules leaned closer to hear."Dad, I can't kill her. The crimes she commited aren't laws yet. I haven't signed them off, so she can't have any punishment!"., Josh pleaded quietly."Josh nobody cares! People don't even know that I have been signing all of your documents in your name.". Josh looked to the ground."Dad, you aren't in charge anymore. I am, and I say she can't die.". Xavier grabbed him and slapped him across the face, leaving a red mark."Josh! I will be in power no matter how many kings come into office. I am the king, you are the puny messanger boy for me. I am the king. I am in charge. I...Am...The god in Kellymore! Do your job, or you'll spend the next week in your own dungeon". Josh turned his head."Mom would never do this to me.", Josh muttered. "Why do you think I killed her. You call me a monster, but I am in charge, and nobody knows. And we're going to keep it that way until the streets run red with the blood of every dragon. This will happen, and anyone who gets in my way will die. Even you. I can kill you and tell everyone it was a dragon, just like I told the public when that Nathaniel got torchered at my command. Now, go in that court room and do what I say.", Xavier exclaimed. They walked inside. Jules was astonished. This is why Josh was acting so weird. It wasn't him who banned the dragons. It was his father. Jules walked back in. "Let us resume. We were just waiting for the descision of Joshua. If he shall bang his gavel, her punishment will be served tomorrow morning. Joshua?", the judge said while turning to him, waiting for an answer. Josh looked at his dad, who had the glare of evil locked on Josh's face. Josh understood. He picked up the gavel and turned away, as if not wanting to see his friend die. He banged the gavel against the platform. Jules looked at Tyrone, who had streams of tears running down his pale face. The knights walked close with grins on there faces. Xavier stood up and spoke to the knights."Take her away boys. The execution will be tommorow.". The knights took her in chains for the dungeon. Jules felt movement from her coat pocket. She looked down and saw Nebula chewing away on her chains. She took one more gigantic bite, and all the chains fell to the ground. Jules made a run for it. All the way to Nathaniel's house.

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