Chapter 8: The Police

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Jules woke up from her nap still tired and eyes still wet from all the crying. She still couldn't rap her head around the day before. Suddenly, she heard a knock at the door. She ran down the stairs and was surprised to see a worrisome Em$ta on the other side. "What's wrong Em$ta?", Jules asked."No time, can I go inside". "What?", Jules asked,"Jules, please!", Em$ta exclaimed urgently. Jules was about to let her inside, but she was too late. Just then three police men came and tackled Em$ta Jules got in the way of them and through them off of her. The burliest of the police men abruptly pushed Jules aside. Jules hit the ground hard. Thilonias observed this from the window. Though, he was a calm well-mannered dragon something about  people hurting Jules seemed to turn him hostile. Theo shot down and scratched the face of the police man. When this happened the police man smirked and looked up evilly."Wait till the king hears about this! Well now I'm legally obligated to take you little scally beast into custody." Jules did not like the sound of that. "What! No! Please I know what happens to dragons in 'custody', please take me instead.", Jules pleaded. "If you say so", the police man looked at the others,"Take the griffin to the royal council they'll decide what to do with it.". They took Jules into a police carraige and violently shoved Em$ta in a cage. Thilonias watched sadly as his best friend rolled away.

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