Chapter 4 The Next Year

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 It was exactly a year after the story of Nathaniel T. Waterson hit the public. There were many protests against dragons during that year. Including lots of violence. Jules had to hide Theo away in her room so no one would hurt him. Luckily, Josh would definetly stop all this anarchy.

Jules went walking through town with Benny and Thilonias. I know, probably not a good idea, since everyone in the kingdom is after dragons. However, Jules knew that since Benny was a knight in shining armor. Also, Thilonias hasn't been out in months.

Around the main area of the town there was a big crowd. There they saw Josh and his parents. Josh had tears in his eyes, though his parents were looking noble. In the crowd there was dragon protesters saying awful things about dragons. The whole gang was there, watching in disbelief. As Jules and Benny drew closer to the crowd and they saw the innocent dragon of Holly. Lyla looked up at Josh, who quickly wiped away the tears, "trying" to look manly. Jules knew exactly what was happening. The dragon was being executed.

The executors axe swung up in the air and snapped down quickly. Jules shielded the eyes of Theo so he would not be traumutized.

   The next day angering was stirring around in Jules' mind. While Josh slowly moped around school sadly. Jules went up to Josh who looked like he was on the brink of crying.

"Are you okay Josh? Cheer up your becoming king tommorow. And, it's been postponed for years.",said Jules, trying to cheer him up.

"Well, I didn't want to bring it up but, that dragon yesterday really got me down.", said Josh. 

"Me too, people can't just do that to innocent creatures", Jules said angrily.  Josh then saw Lyla come up and look at Josh.

"Hey, Lyla ", he said akwardly.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to be my princess.", Josh said even more akwardly


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