Chapter 3 When It Happened

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 A day after Josh's party the media was going crazy about the youngest king in Kellymore history! After the long night Jules decided to go on a relaxing walk with Janey.

"Did you see Josh and Lyla last night? They kissed! Isn't that so romantic?", Janey said excitedly.

"Romantic, but icky. Also, aren't they a bit young for that kinda thing?", Jules said disgusted.

"I guess.", Janey responded. Then Tyrone suddenly ran up to them with a newspaper in his hand. He took a second to catch his breath, then he explained the news.

"Jules", he said panting. "Did you hear the news a man got attacked by a dragon! And, the neighborhood isn't happy about it.", said Tyrone.

"Well, he probably antagonised it. Or he went up to a hostile dragon, which is a dumb decision.", Jules said, proud of how smart she sounded. She then grabbed the paper from his hand and read the paper:

                                                        Breaking News! Dragon Gone Hostile!

Last night at 8:34, resident, Nathaniel T. Waterson went up to pet a dragon tamed and owned by other resident, Holly Tompson. The dragon assaulted Waterson, with no mercy. Now Jones is in the hospital with scars and bruises all over, two broken arms, a broken leg, a fractured skull, and a broken rib cage. "The dragon attacked Nathaniel by biting his head and throwing him to the ground, the dragon then jumped on him multiple times and bit his left arm.", says Watersons' mother at the crime scene. Now, Tompson is facing charges, countless fines, and jail time ."I swear my dragon wouldn't hurt a fly!", Tompson said as she left the courtroom in handcuffs. King Derek Arnold (father of soon-to-be king Josh) did not take this situation lightly. He said that there will be new prohibitions on dragon ownage. However, according to the law he may not make new laws on his last year of royalty. So, he will hope that his son, Josh, will make these laws when he becomes king. Stay tuned for more as this story develops.

"Oh no Jules! This is bad how am I going to help you study dragons if you don't have one!", Janey said worried.

"Hey, they didn't say anything about taking Theo away. We'll just have more restrictions. Also, Josh knows how much I care about dragons! He would never do anything. And, another thing, something seems fishy about this story. I know Holly! We go to dragon conventions together. Her dragon is the most calm and tamed dragon I know! I bet Nathaniel definitely did something.", Jules said thinking out loud.

"Well if you find out tell me, see ya!", Tyrone said as he dashed away.

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