Chapter 15: The Assualt

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Jules walked up to Nathaniel's door. She knocked a few times until Nathaniel answered."To what do I not owe the pleasure?", Nathaniel said in a to-confident tone. Jules rolled her eyes. "Nathaniel did Xavier ever do anything to you?", Jules asked. "Jules, I don't have time for foolishness.". Jules pretended to seem taller," Nathaniel, I'm serious.". Nathaniel's face turned meloncholy and sad. He then signaled her to come in side. He showed her to his room, and sat her down at his desk. Nathaniel took a breath. He looked down and said,"One day I was walking through the park, and I saw Josh speaking to his father. I walked up closer to him so I could say hello. But he seemed angry. I heard them speaking and went closer to hear. Xavier was telling Josh that even though he was king, he was still in charge. He also told him that he must ban dragons. Josh asked how and why, but Xavier noticed me looking at him and he dashed towards me, I ran away but he was to fast. He tackled me to the ground and hit me in the face multiple times, broke my ribcage, and my arms. He walked away, so I tried to limp away. I eventually got to a woman and her dragon, and was about to ask her for help. But, he came and pushed me to the ground, he broke my legs. As the lady turned around she saw and gasped to see me on the ground. Xavier told her the dragon had assaulted me and he whispered in my ear that if I told anyone, he would do much worse. So, I was taken to the hospital, and since Xavier was king, he wouldn't let the police run an investigation to prove him wrong. I pretended it was the dragon's fault, and I didn't even tell my mom. So, please don't tell him I said this". Jules looked right to Nathaniel's eyes. She couldn't believe what she heard,"Nathaniel, I'm so sorry. I had no idea.", she said. Nathaniel looked down,"It's okay, no one did". Jules had utter enmity raging in her heart."We have to do something Nathaniel. We can't let him get away with this.". Nathaniel remained calm."Jules, it's too late. There is nothing we can do.". Jules stood up and said,"There is one thing we can do. There is an assembly today. We'll go down there and protest.", Jules offered him her hand. Nathaniel looked to the side, thought, and eventually grabbed her hand. They ran down the stairs and out the door. When they opened the door, a man was in the way. It was Xavier. He put his hands on Jules' shoulders and kept a tight grip."Well, there you are Jules. I thought you were supposed to be getting ready for the execution", He bent down to get on her level,"You're coming with me dragon kisser". He took her in his large hand and man-handled her into the carraige. They rode over to his castle. She had been in it a thousand times, but today it seemed less happy and beautiful, and more scary and dark. He grabbed her arm and took her up the stairs. He took her into Josh's bedroom, which seemed to be converted into a dungeon. He threw her in. In the cell was Josh, but instead of wearing his nice, royal clothes, he was wearing dirty cloth. Xavier blew out the torches and sat down in a nice chair. He lit one candle, and took a deep breath."Come closer Jules, I want to see your face", he said in a devilish tone,"It seems we have an issue with your rule following, Jules. Why is that? Why do you have, such a need for justice, and fairness? Do you think the world is fair? Well, spoiler alert! It isn't! Believe me, I know. When I was in school, I loved dragons just as much as you did. But, the other kids hated them. They would call me names and tease me in the halls. The world wasn't fair then, and it isn't now. One day, the other kids kicked me to the ground. They beat me up until I could barely move my arms. My dragon tried to fight them off but, they were to strong. Eventually,66 they left me to bleed, but my crush, Gina Reese, came and helped me up. My dragon thought she was attacking , me too. So, he dashed to her and knocked her to the ground. The force killed her. Now, the love of my life was dead, and I was blamed for the incident. I went to jail, and when I got out I lost all power that my father gave me. Nothing I ever said mattered to him, even though I was prince. I was supposed to make important descisions for the kingdom, but instead I had to stay inside, doing nothing. But then, a miracle happened. My father died from an assasin, so I had to be king. I had more power then I could have ever imagened, if I made a law, people would follow, if I commited fraud, it wouldn't matter. I even was able to ban those life-ruining beasts. This taught me two things, dragons deserve to die and never come back, and my power is the most important thing. I was living great, I knew if I created the Nathaniel scandal, people would know how horrible dragons are. I was in charge of everything! Even though I had an ugly wife and an idiotic son, I was the god of Kellymore. But, the most famous un-changable law states that, if a king reaches the age of 45, a king must be replaced by the heir to the thrown. I was about to make the restrictionary law, when I was notified by the council, Josh must become king. I was horrified, I would become a normal person. I couldn't live with this! So, I threatened my son's life and blackmailed him into me secretly running the kingdom. My plan was bullet-proof. Then you came along. You never followed one law that I ever made, I had to threaten to kill Josh's mother, just so Josh would make people give away their dragons. But now, you will be gone. And so will Josh! I can be rightfully king! And, I will slaughter anyone, who gets in my way. Now, Josh better be ready. We have the assembly today. He will be announcing that it is 'his' descision, that anyone who seen with any mythical beast, will face unbelevable charges. See you in hell, Jules". Xavier left and locked the door to the room. Jules stood in awe. "I'm sorry Jules.", Josh said from behind her."That's it. We're done. Even if he does execute you, we'll rot in this cell.", said Josh, while looking at the ground. Jules tried to reassure him but, she felt the same way. Usually, she fights for what she believes in. Now, there was not a speck of hope. "I guess you're right. It's the end of the line. Nothing left to do, but wish death comes quickly.", Jules replied. A tear slowly went down both of their faces. It was dead silence, besides the quiet crackle of fire, coming from the candle. The silence didn't last very long until, a crash broke down the brick wall of the room. Once the dust lifted, Jules saw Janey, Tyrone, Erin, Em$ta and Nathaniel all on Thilonias' back. Jules' tears of sadness became tears of joy. Janey got off of Thilonias and unlocked the door to the cell. Jules ammediatly hugged her."Janey! I can't believe you guys are here! I thought Em$ta had died! I thought you and Erin were in Jail!", Jules said, at a point of ecstacy. Janey responded,"Well, Thilonias came to the jail and, somehow explained to me that you were in danger, I told Benny and, he let me and Erin out, he also told us that Em$ta was secretly in a max security prison. We went to Tyrone to pick him up and saw Nathaniel who decided to join us. He made signs so we can protest! We also had a bit of help from them.", Janey pointed out the window. Jules looked out and saw every dragon owner armed with their dragon. Jules was amazed! "What about Lyla?", Jules asked excitedly. Janey and everyone elses smile faded."That's the confusing part. Lyla was shot when we busted her out. She's gone". Jules frowned. She was sad but, she knew Janey would want her to protest. So she mounted Theo and so did the others. She went with her fleet of fighters. 

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