Chapter 16: The Protest

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Jules was flying through the sky with her army behind her. The wind blew through her blonde hair, as she guided Theo through the sky. Janey and the others were cheering Jules on, while latching on to Thilonias with their lives. Abruptly, the cheering stopped and turned into screeches as an arrow flew past. Jules thought she missed it, but as she looked down, she saw Janey  plummiting to the ground, with an arrow in her chest. Jules needed to save her, so she dived off Theo, forcing Tyrone to take the reins. Jules aimed herself towards a lake so the water would break her fall. She plunged into the water causing much pain, but she needed to hurry. She swam through the water to Janey on the ground. She jumped out and ran towards her. She was lieing on the ground bleeding profusely out of her wound. Jules kneeled down to see her. "Janey, are you okay?", Jules asked with tears in her eyes. "Well, I was shot in the chest and plumeted to the ground. I'm going to die any second.", Janey said in a sarcastic tone."You can't die Janey!  I need you!", Jules said with more tears. Janey was losing more blood with each breath."Jules, you need to protest, leave". Jules tried to speak through the streaming tears. "No, I can't leave you here!". Janey's face was turning paler and paler. "Listen Jules, do what you do best. Fight until you can't fight. You don't need me anymore.", Janey said as she took her last breath. Jules bawled and bawled her eyes out. Tyrone put his hand on her shoulder. Tyrone looked into her teary eyes and gave a face that said more then imaganable. Jules boarded Thilonias and waved goodbye to Janey as the sky turned grey and rain began to fall. Jules flew up and wiped her eyes as she flew bye. 

"Hello people of Kellymore! I hope you know about the full Ban. This is where, we will have the biggest ban in Kellymore! Now, I know we are all excited for this ban, sadly my son has not made his descion yet. But, I am glad to accept the ban on hid behal-", Xavier was cut off by Josh."No father, I am here. And I decline the ban.", Josh says in a proud tone. Xavier tried to keep his fake smile to conceal his anger, it didn't work. Jules came down and added on to Josh,"That is correct! In fact why don't we tell the kingdom of your plans to rule through Josh?". "That is a great idea Jules! Well you see, my father has threatend me and my mother's life, just so I would make laws that he wanted.", replied Josh. The audience gasped. Xavier's anger broke through the fake smile. His face turned red."Josh! Do not tell them! Do you know what this will do to me?!", Xavier yelled. He soon realised he had said that in front of everyone. The dragon army came and put their signs in the air. They chanted,"Down with Xavier!".  So did the rest of the audience. The crowd erupted onto the stage. They slammed him onto the stage and held him down. Josh said," Theo. Deal with him!". Theo breathed in, and blew fire into Xavier's face.

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