chapter 1

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"Ladybug. The #1 hero of Paris. Her eyes were like a forest in the moonlight where you could get completely lost in and never even come back. Rarely, if she stayed still, you could look at her straight in her big blue eyes and see the reflection of Paris and it's beautiful golden lights in the night time. Her thick leather mask covered up most of her freckles but if you ever just stared into her eyes long enough, that'll be your only focus in the world. You'll see from the corners of your eye that everything else turns into little blurry beams of light just twinkling around and it'll feel as if everything suddenly paused and the only thing that matters at that moment is standing right in front of you. Silence filled the room and all you could hear was Ladybug quietly breathing as she continues looking for something in your eyes. Just a single look in the eye from my lady is all it took for me to have enough courage to confess my love. Once you look into those beautiful eyes, you'll get lost in them. And there's no coming back."
Adrien finished putting his journal entry as he finished scribbling down the last letter. He shut the journal close, taking a deep exhale, and spun his way to his bed in his rolling chair. There, in the middle of the bed,was a hungry kwami munching on moldy cheese. "Wow man, that was even more heart melting than Ladybug's poem. Gross." Plagg gagged. "Why are YOU gagging when you're the one with moldy cheese." Adrien said with a blank expression. As Plagg continued slobbering up his cheese, Adrien got up and grabbed his CD album. It was autographed by Marinette and Jagged Stone. He looked at the CD cover admiring the artwork printed on it. He took a close look at  Marinette's autograph and for some reason, it looked familiar to him. Adrien gasped as he sat up straight, faster than a lightning bolt. "Plagg.. Toss me the heart shaped Valentine's day card.." Adrien put his hand out. Plagg kicked the card into his palm and sat back down. Adrien opened the card and reread the poem.
Your hair is golden, your eyes iridescent, when I look at you, I'd like to share your dreams and thoughts. Yes, I want to be your Valentine, together we'll be fine, I'll love you forever, my heart belongs to you.
Adrien snatched a piece of paper and wrote down the pieces of the puzzle. He compared Marinette's signature to the poem. Her r's were in cursive, her i's were dotted with a heart and her n's and e's were also in cursive. The handwriting looked the same. Now that Adrien thought about it, why would Ladybug suddenly change her feelings towards him? He annoyed her to pieces but were still partners in crime. He knew Ladybug didn't have feelings for him. So the handwriting was proof that Marinette wrote the poem. "It was Marinette all along." Adrien muttered. He couldn't believe it. But somehow, his thoughts were flooded with questions which interfered with his theories. I thought I threw away my poem. How did Marinette find it? And that's when it hit him. He remembered Chloe posting a picture of Marinette by a thrash can. Why would Marinette answer to a poem that was about Ladybug? Unless.. She's Ladybug. That explains the jet black and blue hair. The little pig tails.. The same voice.. Everything.. But... How? How could a clumsy adorkable klutz ever secretly be the most coordinated and bravest hero in Paris?'

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