chapter 10

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"I'm here!" Adrien panted. He ran about 4 miles from his house to the cafe.
"Great. Because i have something to tell you." Marinette began. She made sure she was going to bring it down to Adrien softly. She spoke as calmly and softly as she could. She promised she wasn't going to raise her voice. But then again, how could she? She's talking to Adrien. Her crush since the first day of school. She could never raise her voice at him or else she wouldn't even be able to forgive herself.
"What is it?" Adrien asked. His voice had so much concern in it. Marinette sighed.
"Gabriel isn't Hawkmoth." Marinette choked out.
Adrien's mouth formed into a small o. He raised his eyebrows up. He waited for Marinette to continue. "i can tell you don't believe me yet. But it's true. Whole I was waiting i did some concept sketches. I researched some pictures on Alya's blog of Hawkmoth and pictures of Gabriel on the internet. I compared them. They're not the same at all." Marinette paused. She opened up her Velcro sketchbook and flipped to the page. She handed the Sketchbook to Adrien to show him. It wad sketches of their features. Hawkmoth and Gabriel didn't have the same face structure. Or the same teeth.
"But then if my father isn't Hawkmoth... then who is? And when he transformed back go his regular form, why did he look exactly like my father?"
"I did some more research on your dad's past. He used to have a brother. A twin. After i read all those details, I put it together. Hawkmoth is Gabriel's twin. Your father, right now has no clue who Hawkmoth is. He's a completely different person. But you know how we saw the pin with Mrs Agreste in Hawkmoth's Miraculous?" Marinette asked. Adrien nodded. "I think it was a triangle. Think about it. Hawkmoth and Gabriel both had feelings for your mom. But Hawkmoth's anger is getting in the way. He still believes in his love for your mom. But Gabriel won her over. This is a competition. Your mom is missing. They want to see who can track her down and bring her back first. That's why your dad has the book and the hotel brochure from Tibet in his safe. And Hawkmoth is trying to gain the power to Paris by using our Miraculouses as an impression on her. Marry me and I can get you anything you want. We rule Paris now. Become my queen. And all that stuff. I couldn't put together all of Hawkmoth's plan but everything else I'm sure of. That last part was just a hunch." Marinette finished. She waited for Adrien to say something.
"YES!" Adrien jumped. Marinette raised an eyebrow.
"I-i mean that my dad's not Hawkmoth." Adrien smiled, sheepishly. He jumped out of his chair as if he was sitting on a grill. He ran up to Marinette and gave her nothing but a big bear hug.

I literally wrote this chapter in a grocery store. Shoes how much time my family loves being in these stores. XD

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