chapter 9

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"playtime's over, Gabriel. You really think you're going to stand up against someone with the power to create and destroy at the same time? Come on, i thought you were smarter than that." Ladybug pouted. She rose her hand up as purple flames sprout out.
"My lady... you're.. really going to destroy him?" Adrien looked up. Ladybug pulled her hand back down, opening her eyes to what her new power's doing to her.
"Ladybug, give me the Miraculouses!" Gabriel pleaded with anger in his voice.
"Why do you want them so bad? What do you plan to do with these after you get them?" Adrien asked. "i do not need to explain myself to you!" Gabriel yelled. He turned around into the darkness and shadows. Ladybug and Adrien looked at each other raising their eyebrows. Ladybug looked at Adrien with her eyes saying "i have this covered. Leave it to me."
Adrien didn't know what Ladybug was up to but the main thing about being part of a team is to trust each other. Adrien nodded, giving his trust to Ladybug. But then again, when did he not trust her? He's trusted her since their first akuma attack. One look at Ladybug and he knew she would be the hero Paris depended on. He looked at her as if she was his entire world. Which to him, she was.

"Look, just explain why you need these so bad. If it's an actual good reason then we'll try to help. It just depends on what it is. Just please explain why you need our Miraculouses so badly." Ladybug said. She might've been trying to sweet talk him just a little. If she knew the reason, and it was actually, well, reasonable, then she could actually try to help. Depending on what it is. If it was something evil to make everyone your own slaves, then boom goes the cannon. (Not death wise of course)
Meanwhile, Adrien crawled over to the corner where Hawkmoth's miraculous was fallen there. It was a butterfly shaped brooch with a small openable charm in the center which held all 4 wings together. Adrien clicked the charm open. To his surprise, there was a small picture attached inside it of his mom.
"Ladybug!" Adrien whispered softly. Ladybug turned around and tiptoed her way to him. Adrien opened the locket charm and revealed the small picture of his mom. While Ladybug was speechless, Hawkmoth was throwing a sneak attack.
"Ladybug look out!" Ladybug gasped, flashing a bright light across Hawkmoth giving a brief moment for them to escape. She grabbed Adrien's hand, smashed the glass window open with her yo-yo, and finally escaped.

The next morning, Marinette and Adrien met up at an umbrella café. Marinette felt so much more powerful now. She didn't exactly know how to use this new power but she felt guilty of something as well. She felt guilty of taking away Adrien's power. It's like Cat Noir just... disappeared. The thought of that haunted her. She was pretty sure it haunted every fangirl's mind too. Marinette didn't really know what she was going to do but she wanted to get Adrien his power back. She sat in the Umbrella Café waiting for Adrien. He was probably going to take some time but until then, she decided to use that spare time to make things right. She whipped out her sketchbook and started sketching ideas and theories on what would happen if she gave him back the ring.

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