chapter 11

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"Marinette?" Adrien paused. Marinette looked into his emerald green eyes. "Yes?" She asked. "I just realized... Hawkmoth called me his son. What if it really is my father? What if your theory's wrong?" He sighed with a glum face. Marinette thought about it. She searched somewhere in her head. There has to be some sort of explanation.
"Maybe he wanted to ruin things with your family and called you his son to pretend to be Gabriel. So you could fall right into his trap as he would get away with being the identical twin." Marinette explained, still somewhat un sure. Adrien seemed to believe that theory though.
"Marinette, we need to go to Master Fu again. He might be the only key to stopping this. Or otherwise, we're going to be doing the same exact routine over and over. Someone gets akumatized, we catch the akuma and purify it. The end. Until the cycle repeats the very next day." Adrien explained. Marinette nodded. Try walked together to Master Fu's spa.

Marinette knocked on the door. The door creaked itself open. Marinette poked her head around. She gave a gesture for Adrien to follow her in. She looked around. Master Fu was reading the book Adrien found in Gabriel's safe a few days ago. She spotted Wayzz taking a nap in a match box. Her eyes widened at the box he was asleep in. It was a matchbox which had a black cat painted on it. It was called Chat Noir.
Adrien finally spoke.
"Master Fu? We're here to ask you for some help." He began. Master Fu looked up from the book. Adrien's voice cracked. He's never been like this before. This wasn't just about stopping Hawkmoth for good. It was about Adrien's family. Hid father might've always shut him out but it was still his dad. He was the one who took care of him when he was child. Though, as he grew older, Gabriel became more caught up in his work. He hired Natalie and the butler to take care of Adrien. Natalie let Adrien slide with quite a few things which is why he didn't loathe her like every other person his father hired.
"Ladybug. Chat Noir." Master Fu opened his eyes at their presence. He spoke in the thick french accent he had. "We need help figuring this out." Marinette trimmed a piece of paper out of her notebook and handed it to Master Fu. It was the page she wrote her web in. The page that held her strong theory about Adrien's family. Wyazz's eyes peeled open from all the talking. He streamed up by the fan and made his way by Master Fu. He scanned the pink papers, trying to pit together Marinette's theory. Master Fu nodded. "Seems like you might be catching on to the Agreste family history." Marinette raised an eyebrow. "The only way to dig deeper into something is take risks. You two will have to take a risk." Marinette pursed her lips. She didn't know what he meant by taking a risk. She's taken so many risks before. Lying to her parents to save the whole of Paris, missing a few extra curriculars because she was busy putting an end to Hawkmoth's schemes, what else did he mean by taking risks?
"Go to the source that could have the answer. Adrien's father." Master Fu grinned. Adrien's eyes widened. It would be a miracle if one of Adrien's friends were approved by Gabriel.
"That's almost impossible. My father shuts out everyone. It's like the prologue of Frozen all over again." Adrien rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. Master Fu glared. Adrien dropped his head and sighed. "Fine. I'll take Marinette and I'll try to ask him to ease down this time. If he ever just took the time to listen to me... maybe things would be different. Just maybe." Adrien gulped. He thanked Master Fu for the advice and left the spa with Marinette.
Adrien was way more tense than he'd been before. He was nervous. If Gabriel shut Marinette out, he didn't know what he would do.
The walk to Adrien's mansion was quiet. Adrien was tense while Marinette thought of positivity and hope.
Adrien swiped the doors open. There, on the top of the stair case was Gabriel Agreste shooting a glare at Adrien as he walked in. Meanwhile, Marinette was drooling over how humongous his house was. She noticed Gabriel and stopped looking around. She stood up straight as if she was about to meet the Queen.
"I see you bought a friend." Gabriel narrowed his eyes towards Marinette. Adrien frowned. "Yes. Her name is Marinette. Her father makes the best pastries in Paris." Adrien started off. "What does that have to do with my precious time?" He asked, tapping the silver watch on his wrist. "It has to do with us. For once, we're doing the talking and you're going to listen. And i don't need any snappy comebacks from you about Marinette. She's my girlfriend. I choose who i want to be with and we both chose to talk to you about something important." Adrien snapped.
"GIRLFRIEND!?!" Marinette thought. She tried to stay calm. Inside her head there were violins and piñatas and explosions and fireworks and lit up Eiffel towers and pastries and pink and hearts and little puppies dancing all around her head. She tried not to explode. Adrien Agreste just called her his girlfriend, For Marinette, it was a dream come true.
Marinette could already tell his Cat Noir side was mixing with his Adrien side the more they got to know each other.
"Very well." Gabriel stated. Marinette and Adrien grinned at each other.
"Oonee moment." Adrien said. He gestured Marinette over in the hallway. Marinette couldn't stop smiling.
"I-i'm sorry. I-i should've asked you permission first before I called you my girlfriend. I-it's just that.. well you know since we already... u-uh... i-i just wanted to make sure you were okay with it. With... you know... being my girlfriend. If you don't want to i completely understand." Adrien flushed, his cheeks red as apples. Marinette's eyes widened.
"O-of course.. y-yeah I'm okay with it! I-i love y- i-i mean that we're finally... i-i.." Marinette stopped. She was just humiliating herself more and more.
Adrien scratched the back of his head, lightly. "Maybe once all of this is over, we can peacefully spend some quality time together?" Adrien asked, blushing. Marinette grinned, full Cheshire Cat. "Y-yes!" She hopped. Adrien grinned. Now all that was left was to have a talk with Gabriel about a few family matters. Hopefully, it'll go well.

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