chapter 8

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"Father..." Adrien's eyes glistened in disappointment. All along, the man who took care of him his entire life was also the man who caused chaos in Paris to all innocent citizens. In his defense though, Gabriel never really took "good care" of him. He barely even saw his own son every day.
Marinette couldn't even speak. She was too paralyzed to utter a single word. "I don't care if you are my son. I don't care if you were my best friend. Adrien Agreste hand me your miraculous and leave me be." Gabriel demanded. Adrien's bravery as Cat Noir disappeared. There was a big difference between hawkmoth and his dad. He feared his dad. But he had the bravery to fight hawkmoth.
"No." Adrien walked up to Gabriel. Thunder crackled outside. Adrien narrowed his eyes towards Hawkmoth. His fists began to shake as if something was about to erupt. His hands sparked a neon green with black bubbles.
"ENOUGH." Gabriel bellowed, holding his hand out.
Marinette slowly got up. Adrien looked towards Marinette nodding his head a yes.
"You win, father. I surrender." Adrien looked down.
He pulled the ring off of his finger. He held on tightly to it before he let it go. He faked left at Hawkmoth, smirked, and tossed the ring to Marinette. Marinette slipped the ring on her ring finger.
"NO YOU IDIOT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!" Gabriel screamed.
"Well, let's make a fair trade. You give me back the Ladybug earrings and I'll give you my ring back." Adrien suggested.
"My goal is to get both of the Miraculouses not just one!"
"I know. We have no other choice but to surrender. But before we surrender, at least let Marinette & I say a last goodbye to our kwami's. Give us the earrings, we'll say a quick goodbye and we'll give them right back. I promise." Adrien slightly smiled.
"And if you don't?"
"What makes you think I would risk my own death?"
"I will never let you escape this lair if you don't return your Miraculouses! I show no mercy." Gabriel tossed the Ladybug earrings to Adrien. Adrien looked towards Marinette. He threw the earrings towards her.
Marinette put the earrings on, smirking. A purple flash exploded through out the room.
"What's happening!?!" Gabriel bellowed.
"Oh! Well you see, Marinette was already wearing my ring before she put on the earrings. So she has 2 of the most powerful Miraculouses on at the same time. You know what that means, don't you, FATHER?" Adrien smirked with sass sprinkled in his voice.
Gabriel's eyes froze along with the rest of his body. "God form."
"Thaaaat's riiiiight!" Adrien winked.

"Tikki and Plagg, transform me!" 
A purple and golden mask glittered over Marinette's eyes. Her modern clothing faded into a lavender suit with golden armor swirls all around it. Her hair let loose from it's 2 little pigtails and braided itself with purple streaks. Her eyes glowed the lightest yet brightest of purple as she levitated down to the ground.
Marinette achieved Ultimate God Form.

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