chapter 15

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A/N - the chapter will make it more emotional with the music on ^ so it's suggested to put the music on and read because sadness.

"This is it, Tikki. I'm... never going to see you again, am I?" Marinette sniffled. "No..." Tikki dropped her head down. Marinette looked away. She didn't want Tikki to see her cry. "Where will you go?" She asked. Tikki took in a sniffle before she spoke. "The box of Miraculouses. It takes Plagg and I to the kwami village. It's for all sacrificed kwami's from the past. We only get to see you again a 1000 years after." Tikki cried. "I'm never going to see you again..." Marinette and Tikki shared a small quiet hug. She took Tikki in the palm of her hands and hugged her. Tikki was more than just her kwami. She was one of her best friends. She didn't know what she'd do without her. She wouldn't be Ladybug, she wouldn't have confidence, she wouldn't be who she was today. "When do you leave..?" Marinette trailed off.
"Midnight." Tikki squeaked.
"You're not leaving like this. You, Wayzz, Nooroo and Plagg go spend some reunion time together. Adrien and I will set up something for you. I'm not going to let the person that changed my life for the better leave just like that." Marinette beamed. She gave Tikki one last hug.

"Plagg... this is really good bye isn't it?" Adrien's face turned as pale as a piece of paper. "Until midnight." Plagg sniffled, munching on a piece of cheese loudly to drown out his sniffles. Adrien's eyes teared up. His voice broke apart. What was he going to do without Plagg? Plagg was the only one that kept him the company he needed 24/7. He changed his life. He was the reason he could let himself loose and have fun as Cat Noir. All it took was three words. There were times where he had to smell like moldy cheese all the time... but he was glad. He was glad that smelling like moldy cheese was the reason why he and Plagg were so close. Almost as close as Plagg is with his camembert. Without Plagg he was back to being the same old same old. Lonely. Trapped in his own house. No one to hang out with. He couldn't let loose behind his mask anymore without having anyone judge him for his fun side.
"Don't forget me," Plagg croaked, letting a tear slip. "I never will. I'm contributed to smelling like moldy cheese my entire life. And I'll keep doing that." Adrien wiped his eyes. "Go have your reunion. Marinette and I have something for you guys." Adrien waved. Plagg sighed nodding. He made his way over with the rest of the kwami's.
Marinette walked up to Adrien. "They have to do the ritual in the park right? And then after they reach the village, Master Fu takes the box with the kwami's inside to his spa?" Marinette asked just to be sure. Adrien nodded.
"Let's go start setting up."


It was nighttime. Everything was ready. There were no stars in the sky. The sky was splattered with clouds. Marinette and Adrien felt really proud of what they created. it surpassed everything. The moon. The nebula. The galaxy. The beautiful golden luminescent Eiffel Tower right in front of the park. Marinette and Adrien raced down to the beginning of the park where their surprise started. They held Tikki and Plagg in their palms. "You didn't think we were going to let you leave without a mystical experience, did you?" Adrien smirked. Marinette sniffled, laughing trying to hold back her tears. Not that it worked.
"Follow the lights."
Tikki and Plagg nodded.
Fog started to roll in. As they entered the park, they saw a pathway of pink glowing roses left and right. Marinette walked by the left and Adrien was by the tight. As Tikki and Plagg were floating slowly forward im the pathway, Marinette and Adrien followed carrying yellow lights. The pathway led to a a tree. The tree was covered in pink and yellow flowers with golden lights behind it to let it shine in the moonlight. There was a table behind the tree. The table had the box of Miraculouses placed in the center. Marinette and Adrien rose up golden lanterns into the sky. Rose petals gently rained down. Raindrops started to sprinkle down.
"This is it." A tear slipped down Marinette's cheek. And another...
Adrien put his hand on Marinette's shoulder. "Just watch." He pointed at the sky.
Fireworks exploded in the dark blue velvet sky. Red. Blue. Green. Silver. The fireworks formed into the symbol of a Ladybug and the symbol of a black cat. As they faded away, more fireworks crackled. It was a message written in Chinese. Adrien knew what it meant. He took Chinese classes.
We'll miss you.
Plagg and Tikki were in tears. They rushed up to Marinette and Adrien and gave them a big bear hug. After a few moments of silence... it was time. All it took was to say the ancient chant. They stood in front of the box. Plagg and Tikki murmured the spell. They took a last look before they closed their eyes one last time and disappeared. For a thousand years. They took a last look at Marinette and Adrien standing next to each other, letting tears fall down. They finally did it. They got together. Reveal who was behind the mask. As Plagg and Tikki finally closed their eyes shut, a bright silver flash engulfed them. All that was left was sparkles in the air. The box was transported back to Master Fu's. They're gone.
"I can't believe it..." Marinette whispered to herself. Marinette and Adrien shared a hug. They packed up the lights and walked home in the rain. Marinette pulled out her black Umbrella from her backpack. She put it up above her and Adrien's head. She still remembered the first day of school. That's how it all started. Her love for Adrien. Her beginning as being the hero of Paris, Ladybug. The day she met Tikki. The day she purified her first akuma. The day she shared her first moment with Adrien. She was never going to lose the umbrella. She was never going to lose her memories and advice from Tikki. Adrien was never going to lose the smell of Camembert ever again. He'll always remember the time when he could be the person behind the mask that can be free. Let lose. Be himself. Be a hero.
The two heroes finally found out who they were behind the mask. And they will never forget the memories they shared with the true heroes that built them up with confidence to become the heroes they are today.

IT'S FINISHED *sobs* I might or might not have a sequel i know i said I would but idkkk but possibly and this chapter made me sad TIIIKKIIIII PLAAGGG 😭😭😭😭 But thank you so much for reading this story and it's halfway to 1K. It doesn't really matter how many reads i get i just write for fun but comment how you thought of the story and feedback if you have any and I'll hopefully make a sequel

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