chapter 3

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Drawing above was made by me, it represents Marinette and Adrien as the balance of the world on the Yin Yang. [The drawing is a repost from my instagram @ inksplots]

"I'm here to show you this book I found." Marinette placed the book on the table. Master Fu flipped to the middle of the book where there was a sketch of Hawkmoth. It had his miraculous zoomed in on the next page and different symbols around the corners.
Cat Noir transformed back into Adrien. Plagg jumped his way out of his ring, coming out with a piece of cheese. Camembert. With Plagg as your kwami, Adrien has to deal with smelling like moldy cheese if he wants to get him charged up to save Paris. It was just a risk he'd have to deal with being a superhero. No number of coats of perfume can get rid of the scent of camembert. "Plagg direct me." Adrien demanded in a stern tone. Plagg nodded.
"This is the book of all heroes and villains possibly known through Paris. And in the middle of it all is The Papillon. Or as known as Hawkmoth." Master Fu explained, trying to decode the markings.
Behind Marinette, the door slowly creaked open. She could smell the scent of Camembert and the Agreste signature perfume. Marinette froze in thought. She was frozen stiff to even turn around. She stayed still as if nothing was there. But Master Fu on the other hand was the complete opposite. He gave the person a warm smile. Just like he did to Marinette and Tikki. But what Marinette couldn't believe was the words that came out of his mouth. "Welcome, Cat Noir." Cat Noir. Cat. Noir. Marinette didn't want to know who it was. She didn't want to know his identity. She didn't want Cat Noir to know her identity. She wanted both of them to be anonymous.
Marinette's eyes widened. The voice sounded so familiar. The same tone as she heard this morning from Adrien. Without a single word, Marinette turned around. A single turn would let her know so much. Just a single look. She would know it all.
Adrien. ADRIEN. ADRIEN AGRESTE. ADRIEN AGRESTE. His name kept repeating over and over through her head. It suddenly felt as if the entire world was on pause except for them. They stared into each other's eyes like there was no tomorrow. As if they were reunited soulmates. She looked deep in his emerald green eyes while he looked deep into her ocean blue eyes. Her eyes were moving ever so slightly and just by that one observation, he could tell she was trembling with shock. Adrien was wearing Marinette's lucky bracelet. Out of all the expensive things he could've worn, he chose a bracelet made by Marinette. He might be the black cat, but she knew one thing for sure. The bracelet was his good luck charm.
"I knew it was you."
Marinette was pale as a vampire until Adrien spoke. Her cheeks flushed a cherry red. "It doesn't matter who's under that mask but..." Adrien trailed off quoting what he whispered after their first akuma catch. Marinette was frozen like ice. She couldn't move. She couldn't blink. She felt frozen and melted. Freeze. Melt. Freeze melt. Over and over.
"Y-you can't be..." Marinette trailed off. A smile spread across his face. It made his emerald green eyes sparkle from the sunlight.

"Would I ever lie to you, bugaboo?"

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