chapter 12

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"I'm waiting." Gabriel tapped his wrist watch. Again. Marinette sighed. Now or never.
"We really want to know about your family. I can't explain the full details but... I just need to know if you have.." Marinette paused, taking a small breath. "A twin." She scrunched her face, crossing her fingers. Gabriel raised an eyebrow. "Maybe. Maybe not. What's it to you?" Gabriel snarled. Marinette frowned. "Well maybe it depends on the faith of Paris and most importantly your LIFE. Would you know then?" Marinette snapped. Gabriel narrowed his eyes. "Details?" He asked with suspicion. "Let's just say your life is in danger. Well so is everyone else's in all of Paris but mainly you. You'll get the facts once you give us the facts we need." Marinette grumbled. Gabriel observed Marinette. That witty attitude seemed quite familiar. "Yes. As a matter of fact, i do. But if you want to poke your nose around in my matters, I'll have to poke around in your "big" hypothesis or piece of information." Gabriel folded his arms. Marinette looked at Adrien. Adrien slightly nodded putting his hand on Marinette's shoulder. Marinette bit her lip. She turned back around, facing Gabriel. She took her backpack off of her back and got out her pink and white polka dotted notebook. She slipped a piece of paper out of the folder pocket and handed it to Gabriel. "Before you read this... we need to reveal something to you first." Adrien and Marinette looked down in unison. They couldn't believe they were going to reveal themselves.
"Tikki & Plagg! Transform me!"
She called. Marinette's hair flew up as a mask went over her ocean blue eyes. Marinette's purple suit transformed down her body as her yo-yo appeared by her hip. She did her final pose as the backdrops faded away. They moved a step closer to Gabriel.
"This is us. Adrien's Cat Noir. But... he gave up his power to escape. I have ultimate god form..." Ladybug waved her hand. Adrien sheepishly shot a fake smile, waving hello. Gabriel was too shocked to say anything. He had a pretty close clue about Adrien being Cat Noir. He remembered the time when they fought off Simon Says. He got a quick glance at Chat's ring before he ran off got a quick glimpse of Adrien's in the middle of their hug after everything was over. He never noticed his silver ring before. After that "coincidence", he put the two clues together.

"Say something." Adrien practically pleaded. Gabriel shot a strange look at Adrien. He said nothing and reached for the piece of paper on the table. He skimmed through the notebook paper, his eyes widening more and more at the end of each line he read. As soon as he finished, he put the paper down. He stared at Ladybug & Adrien. "You are correct." He eyed Ladybug. Ladybug raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "Seems you have a strong grip of the situation." Gabriel continued. Ladybug quietly fist bumped Adrien next to her as Gabriel continued talking. "Garrison was my brother. It was true. He was jealous of the fact that i won your mother's heart instead of him winning it. He had anger boiling inside of him after that. He disappeared. I didn't know where. But if he tried to claim himself as me, then it's confirmed he is Hawkmoth." Gabriel said. "He knows our identities." Adrien said, looking down at his feet. Gabriel stood up as fast as lightning. "What?" His voice deepened. "We ran out of time. We were captured in there. Ladybug achieved god form. It was the only way to break out of there. I gave Marinette my Miraculous to give her the power to break us both out. I can't purify the akuma. I can only destroy it. She was the only person that could achieve GodForm without messing something up." Adrien explained.
"Why is he after you two? If it's me he's after?" Gabriel asked.
"That's what we're trying to figure out. He wants to be the one to earn god power. So he can rule all of Paris, track down your wife, and try to impress her or use his mind control to take over Paris with him." Ladybug explained. Adrien put out his hand. "Come with us. To see Master Fu. He has the answers. He could tell us how to put a stop to this mess. For good. We can get my mom back, stop Garrison from trying to take over Paris and put everything back in peace the way it was before." Adrien slightly smiled. Gabriel looked at Adrien. He trusted him. He wasn't as close, but he wanted to get his wife back. Everything could be right again. A happy family. The way it was on the portrait. Just maybe... everything could work out. Gabriel nodded. Adrien's face lit up with happiness.
Off they go.

This story's almost over and i have a perfect ending for it even though it might be really sad. But luckily i have a sequel idea for it so there's definitely going to be a sequel so be sure to read that once I publish it

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