chapter 5

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"You don't know what you're talking about. Sure, my father may be busy all the time and very strict but that doesn't mean he's Hawkmoth!" Adrien exclaimed. Marinette's soft ocean blue eyes spot at Adrien as a sign for him to calm down. "Are you sure? Remember the time when we were against Jackady?" Adrien nodded, waiting for Marinette to continue. "And after we purified the akuma, Gabriel was observing your miraculous. Your ring. And earlier that day he tried to reach for my earrings. But luckily you called me just in time to swap away. Oh and also during our situation with the Bubbler! Gabriel was the only parent in the entire city that wasn't trapped in a bubble. Maybe it was because he was controlling Nino."
-the next day-
"What's wrong, girl? You've been all mouchy and quiet all morning!" Alya gave Marinette a hug. Marinette's voice was squeaky yet raspy. "Yeah in fine. I was just a little tired after working on an Eiffel Tower cake for me mom." Marinette rubbed her eye. Sure, she lied straight to her best friends face. But it was for a good reason. She had to keep her identity a secret. She was so stressed out this week. Marinette just needed a nice long weekend to sort things out and relax.
"Well well look who it is, Sabrina!" Chloe croaked. "Just look at that hairstyle! It was already bad enough with her little pointy pigtails stabbing out everyone's eyes but a bun? Even worse! Especially on you! Might as well shave your head!" Chloe cackled. She snapped a quick picture of Marinette with her bun and baggy eyes. She typed something on the photo and with a tap of her finger, it was posted on Snapchat for a million people to see. Marinette didn't really care at this point. She did but she didn't. She was too tired to shoot back. Plus it wouldn't change anything anyways. She just walked away quietly, sitting on a bench with her head buried in her knees.
The window opened up letting the sunlight pour into the darkness and overflow it. The pure white butterflies resting on the floor rose up as the sunlight streamed through. The butterflies spread through the room hovering around the empty space.
"Ah, bullying. It leads to sadness and despair. Such an easy prey for my pure akuma. Such a shame for a sweet little rose to be so depressed and stressed. But all roses have thorns. Fly away my little akuma and evilize this poor unfortunate soul." A deep voice whispered. He covered the white butterfly with his hands as black magic ran through his hands making the butterfly into an evil akuma. It was pure black with purple strikes. The akuma flew out of the huge tower window on it's way to Marinette.
"Marinette are you feeling okay? You seem pretty down." Adrien asked. Adrien was never so straight forward and comfortable with Marinette like he is now. He was felt so nervous around her just like she did around him. It felt pretty weird now to have such a close friend that's a girl. Of course his #1 best friend was still Nino. "I guess. I've just got a lot on my mi-" Marinette paused. "Marinette?" "An akuma. It's heading straight forward." Marinette's eyes widened. "Transform before it akumatizes someone! It's heading towards you!"
"Tikki transform me!" Marinette yelled. Tikki swooped into Marinette's earrings. The background popped into pink streaks spreading out of every angle. A black and red spotted mask went over her large bluebell eyes. Her normal outfit transforms into a skin tight red suit with black spots and her yo-yo around her hips. She does her final ending pose as she officially transformed into Ladybug.
The black and purple akuma paused as if it had senses. It was like it was looking for Marinette. But couldn't sense her anywhere.
Ladybug pulled out her yo-yo. "Time to de-evilize!" She trapped the akuma in her yo-yo, closed it, opened it again letting a white purified butterfly fly out. "Bye bye little butterfly" Ladybug waved.
She transformed back into her normal clumsy, Marinette self. Her outfit went back to her modern outfit. It went from a Ladybug suit to a dark grey blazer with a white shirt with pink flower patterns in the corner. She wore light pink rolled up pants as well. Marinette gave a cheeky little smile towards Adrien as he returned one back.

"My evil little akuma may be purified but my heart never will. Now that I've figured out Ladybug's secret identity, nothing can come in my way from reaching absolute God power of their Miraculouses!"

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