Chapter Five

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I rush and open the door expecting to see my roommate but...

"Ms Summers" Yes it is Johana "I forgot to give you this" she gives me a navy blue sweatshirt. 'EDEGCUMBE' written in silver. And when do we wear this trash? I want to ask her but that would be rude isn't it?

"Thank you" I say and she nods.
"Are you liking it in here? Any problem?" she looks around to check if anything is wrong with the room.
"Oh no, not at all the room is incredible trust me" I assure her.

Yes, and that was the truth. The room was seriously nice. It was big enough for two people and clean. Also, it had an attached washroom unlike most boardings where in they have community shower which in my opinion is very stupid and unhygienic.

"That is great" she announces and exits the room leaving me alone again. 

I keep all my bags in the corner and take out my bathroom essentials to shower. I come out of the shower and there is still no trace of my roommate. I blow dry my hair and tie it into a messy bun thinking that I'd look pretty but then that's just not for me. I lie down on the bed and try to sleep. Somehow my mind goes to what my mother must be doing and what must be Allie doing. For Allie I'm sure she must be getting bored but mother she might be happy, now as she has the entire house to herself and she no longer has to shout on anyone or get into a quarrel with her own daughter.
My eyelids feel heavy and as I'm about to close my eyes, I hear a loud bang.

I get up from my bed and my eyes move towards the door. I see a girl who is really really beautiful standing in front of me wearing black top and blue jeans. Her brown hair tied into a pony tail. She is a model material with perfect hieght and amazing body. What is with everyone looking as if they've just stepped out of a magazine.

"Hey?" Her hey sounded more like a question.
"Hi! I am Rheana Summers. Your roommate" As I introduce myself, her expression changes from confused to normal.

"Oh! So you're my roommate" she says and shuts the door "sorry about the nice entrance" she apologises to me.
"Yes. And it is absolutely fine" I smile

"Nice to meet you I'm Samantha Jenner. Long name I know. God knows what were my parents thinking but you can call me Sam or Samantha whatever you like" she tells and I nod

"Sure" I say "Samantha"
"So you've been here since when" she asks whilst removing her shoes and throwing it under the bed. Gross!

"A few hours ago" I reply
"So? So far are you liking this all" Sam asks looking around the room.

"Oh! Yes so far it's good. What about you? How long have you been staying here" I throw in a question as well

"I love this place I've made many cool friends and now you too. A perfect roommate and a friend"

Characteristics of Samantha: can be friends with anybody without their consent.

"And of course, look I'm not a punctual and my side of the bed will always be messy so please do cooperate with me" she smiles sheepishly. But did she realise that I've already enrolled it in my mind.

After a moment of silence Sam speaks "What made you come here?" her eyebrows pulled in together.
"It's a long story" I roll my eyes
"And I'm a very free person" she smiles.

I tell her everything. Starting from the very rumor that stupid Cara started. Her face initially had a poker face expression but then gradually when I reached the I was expelled phase her face lips pulls up into a smirk.

"Woah! Badass I like you, we can totally be friends"

I laugh.

"Do you have the same story?"
"Huh! No nothing interesting like yours though....just my behaviour got on my parents' nerve and I was sent here"

Sam and I talked for a while about many things. Surprisingly, everything till now was nice. The one thing I was wondering about for many days -- the  roommate problem was solved.

"Fuck! It's four. Are you coming with me?"she asks whilst checking her appearance in the mirror. She slides her feet into a blue color flip flops and pull out her phone out of her jeans pocket.

Confused I ask "Where?"

"Oh! we all friends just meet up in the cafeteria​ for a coffee almost every evening" she aqauints

I want to go but I've to keep my things in locker.

"What?" Sam asks. I forgot that she was waiting for a reply. "I actually have to keep my things in the locker"

She brings her index finger to her chin, a sign of thinking hard.

"So you can go and keep your things and come back, right? I hope there aren't things that are Europe sized in there" she attempted a joke but what do they say...Failing miserably

I roll my eyes at her as she smiles sheepishly.

I quickly grab important things and run towards the locker which is in the next wing. After running for few seconds I head towards my alloted locker. That's when I see the boy whom I saw in the parking, this time in a weird way. He is making out with a girl. She is wearing a crop top and a very short skirt that barely covers her legs let alone her ass. Her legs are wrapped around boy's waist and they are really intensely making out as if their life is depending on it. They are not aware of my presence and I'm not a pervert to stare at them while they suck each others faces off.


A/N: I've pictured Kendall Jenner as Samantha Jenner.

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All the Love xx

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