Chapter Ten

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"Please, please please you've to please it's just a party. Come on"
Sam pleads. She has been requesting me from past one hour to come to party with her but honestly I don't want to go. Not that I hate parties. I just can't stop myself if I see alcohol. Alcohol brings out the worst in me.

"Sam, I don't want to.. Look I.." she looks at me making a puppy face.
"I...ughh!! Okay" I sigh. She jumps and squeals.
"Oh my God, we gonna have so much fun" excitement clear in her voice.
"So is it tomorrow or when?" I ask. She is still smiling.
Before coming here or meeting Samantha I never gave up on anything. I was very stubborn actually no I'm still stubborn but not for Sam though.
"It's tomorrow"
should I really go? I should go out and have a social life like every other girl.
Last time I went to party was with Allie, where I got drunk beyond my limit and threw up on a random guy while dancing. And the next day Gosh! I went home with a hell like hangover and blurted out stupid things in front of my mom.

What do you think would have happened next!?!
I was grounded for a week. From that very day I promised myself that I would never ever drink.

"And because tomorrow is a holiday, we'll get a whole lot of time to get ready" I lie down on my bed and close my eyes and slowly drift to sleep.

"I'm going to shower" I announce. Samantha woke up me up a bit early for a party at 7:00 in the evening. A bit early means 6:00 in the morning for no specific reason. I planned to sleep till 9:00 as it was a holiday but only if Sam allowed me to do so.

"okay" she says standing in front of the wardrobe probably thinking what to wear. What kind of a serious party is this?

"can I ask you something" I ask her. She looks at me and nods.
"Why are you so serious about this party? I mean you're standing in front of that cupboard for half an hour examining each and every dress" I furrow my eyebrows.

"because" she answers "this party is really cool one, we are going to graduate very soon and each and every party is a must" she winks.

"I've somethings to grab. Will be back in an hour or something" Sam says and goes out.

I walk into the shower and turn it on. I hear opening and closing of the door. It must be Sam. I continue my shower. I turn the shower off. Wrap a towel around me and open the door expecting to see Sam standing In front of the cupboard examining clothes. Again. But it's not her. As now you can probably guess my bad luck it's no-one else but Brooklyn.

I look at him wide eyed and start to scream. He comes running to me and cover my mouth with his hand. His touch sends shivers into my body, making my movement stop. I look down at myself. I'm just wrapped in a towel.
Why God!?! Why me!?!

"why the hell are you shouting?"
I try speak but I can't because who the hell speaks with their mouth covered?
He removes his hand.
"because I didn't expect you. Here." he walks back and sits on my bed.
"what are you doing here?" I ask him.
"It's Sam's room. I can come here whenever I want" he raises his index finger "and aren't we friends? Friend" he replies coolly.
"well, do whatever you want just get your ass off my bed" I say
He smirks. I am damn sure he's thinking of something he shouldn't.
"wanna join me on your bed?"
"you know what? I'll pass" I reply coolly

I walk towards my cupboard and take out few clothes and start walking towards the bathroom to change. Just then to my surprise Brooklyn grabs my wrist and pulls me as I was unaware I couldn't keep my balance and I fall onto the bed in top of him. My hair falls on his face. He pulls a strand behind my ear. And what so we do? Stare. That's when I notice that his eyes are just perfect actually more than perfect that a human could have. They are alluring. His hair perfectly gelled up. His face is just so perfectly perfect. His hands slowly travel down my waist sending chills and goosebumps. Our face just in he's apart. The smell of his cologne makes me go crazy.

What? What did I just say crazy?
My movement brings both us to reality. His hands fall down onto the bed. He turns his face to side. I struggle to get up but after a lot of struggle I stand back on my feet. Awkward silence everywhere.

I pick my clothes that were in the floor when he pulled me and rush into the bathroom. I close the door and lean on it trying to figure what the hell just happened. I embarrassed myself again. I quickly wear my clothes and pray that he shouldn't be there but... Leave it nevermind just my luck.

I open the door get out and start walking around as if nothing had happened. He is still on my bed doing something on his phone. I decide to mind my own business.

A/N: Vote, comment and spread the word it'll mean the world to me.
All the Love xx

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