Chapter Seven

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Well I don't know how many hours have passed but I'm liking it in here. After so many years I'm finally being a bit social and it's good.

"Dylan you've to do it, it's a dare" I'm clicked out of my thoughts. All of them are playing truth and dare and Dylan chose dare. They all stand up to go somewhere.

"Come on, let's go" Sam calls me.
"No..Umm..actually it's been a very long day, I would like to rest for a while"

I really was very tired this was the first reason. The second reason was Brooklyn would be there so I passed.

"okay, I'll be back in few hours" Sam smiles and then turns to Brooklyn. "Now what are you waiting for Asshole, come."

Hah! Bye Brooklyn.

"I'll stay and pass. Thanks though Asshole" Sam chuckles and goes to join in others. He was sitting right across me. Awkward silence between us. I take a sip from my coffee.

"So you're joining classes from tomorrow?" why can't he just shut up and mind his own business.
what if I just answer in one word he'll probably get an idea that I'm not really interested in talking to him.
"Are you excited?" he asks, trying to start a conversation.
No because you're there
"Yes" he's getting irritated. He takes in a breathe.
"Are you from Mars or something?"
I knit my eyebrows together and look at him.
"Can't you just answer in one full English sentence? Is it that hard?"
"I'm not really interested in talking to you" I acquaint.
He smirks
"Most girls just die to talk to me but you.." he sighed
"Well I'm not like other girls" I reply coolly.
"I just figured it out" he said smirking.

I stood up to leave because I had to wake up a little early tomorrow to find the classes.

"Where are you going? Can't handle the hotness?
I turn around and roll my eyes at him
"Away from people who are so self centred and think that the whole world revolves around them."
Was that a bit too harsh?
Nope that wasn't my subconscious adds up but that idiot is smiling. To be honest he is cute when he laughs and otherwise too actually he's adorable.
Focus Rhea Focus. And I exit the door.
I go back to my room take a shower and make my bed. By the time I do all this it's 9:00 still Samantha hasn't returned.

Just as I am about to lie down, I hear someone's footstep and the door opens and here comes Sam.

"Hah! You're off to bed? So early?" She removes her shoes and throws it under her bed.
"I'm not actually feeling sleepy" I sit back on bed.
She goes into the bedroom and comes back after a couple of minutes. All her makeup is washed but still she looks beautiful. I'm kinda jealous of her. Like always.
"You met Brooklyn" she asks suddenly.
She takes her phone out of her pocket and plugs it in for charging.
"Yes, he was there when I went to keep my things in the locker" She raises an eyebrow.
"What?" I ask
"He didn't flirt with you?" her eyebrow still raised

Yes he did.
"No he didn't" she chuckles
"Now tell me what really happened" she demands.
I force out a laugh. Should I tell her the truth? Or a lie?
"Okay so when I went to keep my things he was making out with a girl but I interrupted them"
She looks at me as if I'm telling her a horror story.
"He called me but I ignored and he just told me not to ignore him like, nobody does"
A smirk plays on her lips.
"He didn't really flirt though"
Sam begins to laugh
"Now that's something Brook would do" she said in-between her laughter.

It takes almost 5 minutes for her to stop laughing. And I sit there like an owl waiting for her to stop laughing.

"How long have you been friends?" I casually question
She tells me the whole story that Brooklyn and she were childhood friends. They both studied together in elementary but then due to some reason he moved to Chicago. Dylan met them in a party and they became friends. This was the story.

"Honestly speaking, he flirts a
lot" I say
"Yes" she nods "a lot, I mean of course he does but from inside he's the best person you can be with" she shakes her head.
"I mean he flirts but he has never really fallen for a girl. He just says that he's waiting for the right girl to come into his life. Actually his thoughts are way more different than every other boy"
Classic Romeo; Brooklyn. I can't even imagine him like that like falling for a girl you know.

"Right girl?" I repeat
"yeah! He says that he is waiting for that one thing to happen when he sees the right girl"
Sam clear the mess that was in her bed and lie down.
"He has only loved two people in his entire lifetime first;himself
And then his mother that's it" she switches the light off.
"Night Rhea"

'He is waiting for that one thing to happen' Sam's words echoes in my mind.

This was my first day and a very long day. It has just started. Let's see how far it'll go. With this I close my eyes.
A/N: Thanks to my friend Hritika for letting me borrow one of her husbands ; Francisco Lachowski ;)

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All the Love xx

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