Chapter Eleven

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*Brooklyn's POV*

I'm on my bed right now because I've nothing to do. Cal; my roommate is out. Not that he would've entertained me if he was in the room, it is more or less the same.

Cal is a total nerd with weird round glasses but he has a girlfriend though. My phone vibrates. I check my phone. There is a text from Samantha.

'meet me in my dorm room for the party whereabouts. Don't be late and don't be lazy Asshole ;) S."
This party is not about other parties we go to. That's why Sam is a bit serious. She is really serious when it comes to her friends safety specially me and Dylan. She is like our mother. I insisted to skip the party but she refused. Instead she made me agree to go to that party.

I stand up and quickly put my shoes on. I walk towards Sam's room. Should I knock?
Shush! What the hell Brooklyn.
I open the door without knocking and I find no one. Sam is not in the room.

I walk back outside and pull my phone out, dial Sam. She picks up the phone.
"Hello" Sam says through the phone. I can't hear her properly due to noise from wherever she is.
"Brook. Wait, I'm coming, I'll be there.. Gosh don't push." and she hungs up.
I go back into the room and sit on one of the beds which I guess belongs to Rheana because the other side of the bed looks like hell which means it belongs to Samantha.
If Sam is out and the room is empty then where is Rhea?
Just then I hear someone humming.

The bathroom door opens and reveals Rheana wrapped in a towel. I shouldn't say this but she's looking hot. I wonder why she does she not dress like other girls probably she'll look really hot though. Maybe she's not like other girls.

She looks at me wide eyed and starts screaming. Why is she shouting? I haven't even touched her. I rush towards her and cover her mouth with my hand.

"Why the hell are you shouting?" I ask her. She tries to take my hands off her mouth. When I realise that she's Trying to answer I take my hands. I take a look at her honestly she's far more better than other girls of our school.

"Because I didn't expect you to be here" she answers. I walk back and sit on the bed. She crosses her arms over her chest and asks "what are you doing here?"
"It's Sam's room I can come here whenever I want and aren't we friends? Friend" I reply coolly.
"Well" she says "well do whatever you want just get your ass off my bed" I smirk
"Wanna join me on your bed?" I Wink making her blush. To be honest she is beautiful and yes sometimes when she's angry she's adorable too.
"You know what? I'll pass" she replies in an I don't a give a damn tone and walks to her cupboard. She takes out clothes from her wardrobe. As she turns to go back into the bathroom a perfect idea pops into my mind.

I grab her wrist and pull her. She looses her balance, falling on top of me. Her wet hair falls on my face. I pull a strand of her hair behind her ear. We stare at each other and for the very first time I look at her perfectly defined features. She is beautiful. Extremely beautiful. Her eyes glowing. The way she blinks them is so perfect. The way she licks her bottom lip. My hands trace the side of her waist. Her breath hitching. She is not like other girls here. She is different really very different. She has an effect on me that no one has ever had and that too so fast. Her face just inches away from mine. That's when she suddenly moves. Her movement distracts me. She struggles to stand up but she does, takes her clothes and runs into the bathroom.

I feel something for her that I shouldn't feel for her not for her but for any girl. My phone rings and Samantha's message pops up on the screen. She has texted me the whereabouts of the party. I'm going through some feeds when the bathroom door opens and Rheana Comes out fully dressed. She keeps roaming back and forth in the room.

After few hours I see her sleeping on Sam's bed. She looks so peaceful while sleeping and yeah, adorable while fighting. Just as I am about to take my eyes off her a thought pops into my mind.

I never actually hated her, not that I like her. It's just something in between that I don't know and honestly I don't want to know.
A/N: Vote, comment and spread the word it'll mean the world to me.

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