Chapter Eight

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"Rhea?" I felt someone poking me.

"Rhea" this time a little harder.

Sam's scream frightens me and I sit up hitting my head on the wall.
"What?" I adjust my eyes to the morning light, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Don't you have class?" She smirks and narrow my eyelids due to the immense morning light.

"Shit, what's the time?" I jump out of the bed.

"Don't worry sweetheart, you're on time. Thanks to me"

Thank God, she called me. I don't want to be late on the first day of school. Not because I'm the punctual one, but because if you're late on entering the class you get quite awkward stares.

Anyone feel me?

"Thanks Sam" I quickly take a shower, wrap a towel around and get out. I'm ready in about 15 minutes. I stand in front of the mirror and take a deep breath.

I glance at the clock and realise that half an hour is still left. I'm glad that I am not late on the first day. It would be so awkward if you reach late to class. The stare that you get is worse than getting killed by a nuclear bomb.

Calm down, Rheana. Nuclear bombs are the worse. My subconscious mind butts in.

"Come, let's go to the café"  Sam says picking up her bag from the table. I nod and grab my bag and start walking. We reach the café and sit on our usual seats.

Brooklyn is nowhere to be seen. As I far as I know these people, I think Dylan, Brooklyn and Samantha are the closest of all. Rest of the poeple are just a crowd on the table. Does that include me too? Back at home, in school we had tables reserved for people. No matter how crowded it was if the table as reserved it was for that group. Nobody dared to sit on someone else's table. But here everything so shared. It would definately take time for me to catch up on what these guys are upto.

"So, Rheana where are you from?" asks Dylan. It was for the first time we talked. "Los Angeles" I replied. He nods.
"Hi by the way I'm Dylan"
"I know by the way I'm Rheana"
"I know" he replies.

Dylan is good. I mean good to talk to, not like Brooklyn though. Irritating. Of course he is irritating. I don't know how girls even tolerate him.


I reach my first period class Biology. As I enter the only seat left was in the row. I quickly reach there keep my books and sit down. I look around the classroom. The walls have many diagrams and explanation.
Does anyone even reads that?

"Hi, you must be Rheana?" the girl next to me asks. She is thin actually very thin, blonde. Her hair tied up into a ponytail.
"Yes" I reply
"Hey! I'm Alaska. Nice to meet you"
"Alaska as in place?"
She starts laughing "No Alaska as in my name"
"ohh" is the only reply that seems right. Right now.

"Good morning" A tall thin lady around her 40's enters the class with books in her one hand and coffee in the other. She is wearing a pencil skirt with a white shirt tucked in.

Everybody stands up to greet her. New thing. We didn't used to stand up to greet teachers back in LA but then again that was a school. This is a boarding.
Strict fucking rules.

"I heard we've a girl" No please no introduction. God no, no please no.
I slowly stand up.
"Introduce yourself please" I hate you miss whatever biology teacher. I'm not good at introductions.

"Hello everyone, I'm Rheana Summers and I moved here from Los Angeles" not bad.
"Hobbies?" miss whatever biology asks
"Hobbies, tell us about your hobbies"
"oh well" what are my hobbies. Eating, sleeping, eating...
"Reading, music,...That's it"
"uh huh, okay by the way I'm Katie Norway" she finally introduces herself.

Rest of the biology Ms Norway talks about various career options one can choose with the help of biology. My first biology class was okay. Alaska gave me some assignments to finish.

In chemistry me and Sam were together. Nothing much happened as in no teacher asked me for introduction. Just the name. The whole was good. My first day went pretty well. Just one last period for my favourite; language. I enter into the class and take a seat on the second last bench. I look around and observe that most of the students are girls.

"Hello, Sugar" sugar? Familiar voice? No fuck shit no shit noo!
I turn around to see eventhough I know who the person is. Of course Brooklyn.

Why the hell out of all people am I sitting right in front of him. Can I go and sit somewhere else or just run away and get lost forever because being in my most favourite class with my least favourite person is the last thing I would do.

"Sugar?" I ask him.
"yup" he replies "your Nickname"
"Can't you please shut up?"
He smirks "No I cannot. My life my rules. I hope you've heard it"
God, he is so stupid. That's when I turn around and ignore him.
Teacher enters the class and starts teaching.
"Now what's your problem?"
Brooklyn hasn't stopped poking me since the moment I decided to ignore him.
"I told you not to ignore me, nobody does"
Who the hell does he think he is. I can ignore anybody I want he's no one special.
"you know what? My life my rules hope you've heard it" I repeat what he said a few minutes before.
"That just applies to me"
He needs to fucking know that, that the whole world doesn't revolve around him and if he thinks so then I'm sorry he is really really wrong.
"Ms Summers, Mr Frost what's happening?"
Miss Harbour inquires.
We both stare at her.
"Move out, you both are disturbing the class" what? No she can't do that. It's my first day.
No but and all.. Just move out " Ms harbour cuts me off and starts teaching. When I feel like now she won't listen to me or him eventhough he didn't even try, I slowly start moving towards the door. Brooklyn following me.

We both come out and close the door behind. I turn away from him. After a moment of silence "Hey look I made your first day perfect and memorable"
I stay quite
"You can thank me whenever you want doll"
Honestly he thinks that I am going to thank him instead of slapping or yelling not that I'm that teacher's pet or something but I Didn't do anything to get this punishment.
"Leave me alone" I say through gritted teeth.
"ohh, easy calm down" I shoot him a death glare.
"Sugar is angry. Stay away orelse she'll eat you up" he mocks.
"You know what? Just stay away okay? Please just stay away you can at least do that" I shout and walk away. I don't even care to turn around and look at him.

I reach my dorm and sit on the bed. That's when I feel my cheeks wet. Where do these stupid tears come from?

My phone rings and I take it out from my pocket and take a look at the screen.
No.. Not now.
The caller ID says mom. I wipe my tears, clear my throat and answer the phone.
"Hello Rhea how are you?"
"Yeah mom I'm fine" I reply.
"how is everything going on? Are you liking it?"
"yeah! Mom everything is fine it's great here."
Yeah it's great actually it's even more great when you're kicked out the class on your first day.
"glad to hear that sweetheart. Okay I'll call you later. Take care bye."
Glad she hunged the phone because formal talks aren't my thing at all.

A/N: Vote, comment and spread the word it'll mean the world to me.
All the Love xx

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