Chapter Thirteenth

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Dedicated to @niakam for the beautiful cover she made.

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I'm still debating whether I should have left her there alone or not. First of all she's not familiar to anyone and if anything happens to her then Sam would burn me alive.

Second her dress is so short that it can make any guy go crazy. Honestly she is looking hot today. She shouldn't have worn it.

Third she is so stubborn that she won't even listen to me and these drunken bodies aren't even aware of what they do, why do people drink beyond their limits.

Jake, I and his other two weird looking friends Rob and Mike stop in the backyard of the house I guess.

I want to finish this off as soon as possible.

"Where is it?" Asks Rob
"Here" I reply "take this and never contact or trouble us again" I take out envelop full of money and hand it over to Jake.

Dylan and these guys used to put up bets with each other. Dylan lost and had no money to give instead of coming to me or Sam for help he got into a fight with these guys.

"Never dude" replies Mike "we promise but just one favour"
"What" I ask. A smirk plays on his lips.

"Can we just have a little fun with that girl" my jaw clenches "a bit dude just a little bit fun"
Before I know what's going on Mike is on the floor. His nose bleeding "Don't you fucking mess with her" I warn him

What has happened to me?

"Stop mate leave him" Jake says and pulls me away from Mike. He spits out blood and stands up
"I'll never forget this" Mike says
"Don't ever forget this that will be good for you" I say through gritted teeth

I look at him angrily and go back inside . That's when I see Dylan and Sam already drunk and are dancing like idiots. I ignore them and walk towards where I left Rheana. She isn't there.

Where is she? I told her to wait here. Why can't she listen to me.

That's when I see her standing in the kitchen. Totally bored. No not bored. She is standing with a bottle in her hand. A half empty bottle.

"Rheana?" I shout over the music and walk to her.

I'm inches away from her but I can smell strong alcohol smell from her. She looks at me and smiles.

"Ohh, Brooklyn!" she takes my hand and pulls me. I look down at her and smile, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear.

"how much did you drink" I take the bottle out of her hand and keep it beside her.

I look behind her and what I see is not what I expected. 3 empty bottles.

No she can't drink that much.

I pick her up and sat her on the counter. "How many?" I ask her eventhough I know the answer.

She points on each bottle" one...two...Umm three" she giggles.
"are you kidding me?" how can she handle it?

I shouldn't Have left her here alone. She cups my cheeks with her tiny hands and pulls me closer.

"Why are you always like this?" she puts her Index finger on my chest.
"like what?"

She tries to imitate me but fails causing both of us to laugh.

Goddamn it

She's adorable when she's drunk.

"why did you drink this much?" I ask Rheana who is currently saying something which is out of this world.
"why did you drink" I ask again stressing on each word.

She looks at me with a serious face. "Because you were gone and I was afraid" she trails off"But now I'm not because you're here" I get a strange feeling in my stomach but still smile at her cuteness.

"Why are we here? Can't we go outside?" she questions in a baby voice. I've heard people doing stupid things when they're drunk but didn't know I would experience it.

She jumps from the counter, stumbling on her own feet. She giggles. She walks and stumbles actually stumbles more and walks less. Somehow we reach outside.

She walks ahead of me holding my hand and suddenly stops
"there" she shouts pointing into the woods.

She again walks ahead of me humming the tune to a song. The only voice I can hear is crushing of leaves beneath our feet as we walk and Rhea's low humming.

I can't wait to see what this night would bring.


A/N: Thank you all for 1K reads. 😭 love all my readers
Short chapter I know... But
Next update will be soon.

What do you think is gonna happen?
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All the Love xx

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