Chapter Fourteenth

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*This chapter is not edited.*


She finally stops and looks around as if she was gonna buy this place soon.
She sits down on the grass and pats over the grass, indicating me to sit.

The place is very silent and no one is here apart from us. Then again who comes and spends time inside the woods other than drunk Rheana.

She slowly lays down on the grass and asks me to do the same. I lay down beside her. I've never done something like this let alone obey a girl. She looks up in the sky and her lips form an 'o'

"What are you looking at it?" I break the silence.
"Why" I ask
She looks at me and then at the stars again and smiles
"Why..because they are like us people, stare at just one star for long after few seconds it disappears somehow"

"That's just illusion"
"No people are not" she argues "people are like stars. They come into our lives and for some reason we feel like they'll stay so we start trusting them, believe in them but one day suddenly they disappear..they just vanish away and never return...this isn't illusion now is it?"

For some reason I've no words to argue with her because she is right everyone is temporary no one is constant.

She moves towards me and rests her head on my arm. I look at her but her eyes are closed. Her breath even.

I don't know why she compared stars to people maybe because she has her personal experience.

For a moment we just lay there. Wishing this night to never get over because honestly drunk Rheana is better than sober Rheana and yes I'm liking it in here.
Just like this. Just the way it is.



I open my eyes with very difficulty. My head is feeling as if it's a massive rock. My whole body is paining as if I had an accident. My vision is blur when I open my eyes.

I sit up and that's when I see that the ceiling is not that of my dorm room. I look around, not just the ceiling the entire room is foreign to me.

I drop my head into my hands, just then I hear footsteps. I look up and see Brooklyn coming shirtless. I look down at myself I'm not in my black dress that I was wearing hours ago.

"No way, this is...ugh...please tell me" I keep saying to myself. Brooklyn comes and sits next to me.

"No" I look at him and say.
"What" he questions. This stupid is acting like he doesn't know what I am talking about.

"Did we like... You know...we didn't right?" I ask hesitantly
"What no? Huh!?" He stands up "everything happens for a reason and what happened yesterday I know shouldn't have happened but it did" he says rhetorically

I take a second to absorb what he just said. I feel like throwing up. I shake my head.

" weren't drunk"
"No, I was drunk too. How can you expect someone to come to a party and not drink. He answers as if it is not a big deal.

I start beating him , push him and slap him just because I want him to say that all of it is just a lie.

"Look at me..look.At. Me Rheana" he shouts, causing me to stop. I slowly look at him.

"Look me in the eyes and say. Do you think I would do something like that to you...I would take advantage of you" he asks.

"No" I reply
"Then? Trust me I would never ever take advantage of you" his voice serious.

"But what about that..what you said?" I ask him. He starts laughing. I feel a bit embarrassed about what I did a minute ago.

"I played a prank on you, stupid" he says in between laughs. The sound of his laugh fills the room. I smile too.

"Come on, now change your clothes. We've to leave" he says
" Who changed me into these" I ask pointing towards the white shirt I am wearing.

"Me who else?" I whine "ughh..."
"You know what? girls die to get my attention so to give them what they want that is my attention I called one of them and asked them to help me because you were very much drunk silly" he explains "and also you know what she was extremely happy that I even called her"

"Now that was a lie, the last line no?" I ask. He nods and smiles. "I've got my answer"
"Whatever" he says and I smile

"Where did you sleep?"
"On the couch" I feel sorry for him.

I take out my clothes from the drawer which was surprisingly folded and kept and also I don't know how.

I walk towards the bathroom to get changed.
I turn and around and look at Brooklyn who is thinking about something.

"Brooklyn" I call him
"Thank you" he smiles and nods.


A/N: I'm sorry first of all for the very long long long delay. And thank you to those people who encouraged me and asked me to update.

If you guys can help me with ship names for Rheana and Brooklyn please do comment or inbox me.

Also, what do you think is gonna happen next?

Please don't be a silent reader
Vote, comment and spread the word it'll mean the world to me and yes it personally gives me encouragement.
All the love xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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