Chapter Twelfth

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Vote because Brooklyn looks you know what I mean ;)


When I wake up I feel like I've slept more than I should. I glance at the clock and the time is 4:00.

Sam would crush me. As I get up, Is see Sam standing with a bucket of water.
"Thank your good lucks, that you woke up or else this would've been on you" she gestures towards the Bucket in her hand.

"What time is the party" I smile sheepishly at her and ask
"7:00" she replies, walking towards the bathroom to keep the Bucket back.

"We have hours to get ready"
"Really? Then sweetheart let me sing you to sleep come. I'll wake you up at 7:00 itself" I hear the sarcasm. I slowly stand up.

"I've Brought you and me few clothes"
"Why?" I question. She raises an eyebrow
"that's not something to ask" she says in an obvious tone. "try them"
I open the bags and take out a black dress.

It really is beautiful

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It really is beautiful. Now I'm somewhat excited to go to the party.
"How's it?" Samantha asks clapping her hands
"gorgeous" is the only word that comes to my mind at the moment.

I quickly go and take shower, by the time I'm come back Sam is ready set standing with her makeup materials and a straightener.

She pulls a chair and sets it in front of the mirror and beckons me. She first examines my face and then tilts her head. She takes out different size brushes starts brushing different colors on my face then straightened my hair and finally allowed me to loom in the mirror. I couldn't believe my own eyes. The girl I see in the mirror is definitely not me. But to my surprise the girl is me. I look at Sam who has a proud smile on her face. Of course she is proud. She transformed a bean bag into just wow.

I slip on the dress that reaches a little above mid thigh it's. I wear my black heels and stand in front of the mirror to look at my final transformation.

And that's it I'm ready for the party. After a moment Sam comes out wearing her silver dress that reaches mid thigh pairing it up with ear cuffs and black heels. Her hair is a little wavy and she looks just stunning. I'm so jealous of her right now.

"Ready" she asks. Checking on herself.
"Do you want something"
"Umm..No...just one question, how do I look?" I ask nervously.
"Save that smile for all the compliments you're gonna get today" she trails off " anyway you look hot... H- O-T " she grins.

Sam and I sit in the car and start driving. Sam is the one who is driving. Sam is speaking something to me but I'm too busy admiring myself in the front view mirror.

When we reach somewhat like halfway I hear faint music playing. We drive through a jungle and reach our destination. Sam takes a sharp turn.

After a while the car slows down and we stop in front of the big house correction 'massive' house. The lawn is almost filled with people with red cups. Empty bottles lying on the floor. Girls stumbling on their own feet.

We get out of the car. Sam locks it. I straighten my dress out.
"We are waiting for?" I ask Sam wgo is busy on the phone texting.
"Dylan and Brooklyn"
All the excitement rushes out. I so want to tear this dress off and go back to my normal dressing. I don't know how I will face him after our little encounter in the dorm room. But he really won't notice me, there are way other girls who are hotter than me.

Wait!?! Did I just call myself hot?

A black car pulls in. Dylan gets out of the car wearing gray t-shirt and black jeans. And then Brooklyn comes out of the car wearing a black button up shirt, black jeans and black leather jacket. All black. Hot.

He walks to us. His gaze falls on me and his jaw clenches. He eyes me from head to toe and I do the same. He looks at Sam and again clenches his jaw.

"Hey! Rhea looking good eh" Dylan compliments. I see Brooklyn roll his eyes from the corner of my eyes.
"why thank you.. You too are not bad yourself though" I say in a jolly voice.
"It's my hard work" Sam says and we both laugh.

"why did you bring her here?" Brooklyn questions.
Sam rolls her eyes. "Because basically now she's our friend so she has the right to be with us here" Sam replies.
"You know she shouldn't be here" he argues
"But we can tell her no?"
"Look Rhea" Sam turns to me "As Brooklyn said its not safe for you or any of us. Actually Dylan got into a fight with some lads in here. We are here to solve it and party hard that's it"


"So the plan goes this way. Me and Dylan and Brooklyn and you" she says smiling at me.
"Why me and Brooklyn" I interrogate
"Plan..plan" Dylan replies
Sam hugs me "take care and enjoy" she whispers and I nod.

Sam and Dylan walks away leaving me and Brooklyn standing behind awkward silence between us.
I sigh "Can we at least go in inside" I ask him finally breaking the silence.
"Sure" he says and holds my hand. My Heart is literally pounding inside my chest.

I close my eyes and take a deep breathe. He pulls me inside walking a bit ahead of me pushing all the drunken bodies. The smell of alcohol burning my nostrils. Suddenly Brooklyn stops in front of few lads. Few strange looking guys. Totally weird.

One guy is a red haired guy with piercing all over his face and tattoos, the other is a blonde one wearing funny clothes and the last one is a bit dangerous with brown hair, tattoos, a scar on his forehead and piercing on his lips and eyebrows. Brooklyn takes a step forward. He leaves my hand and slides his hand on my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Hello, Brooklyn. We did expect you here" the brown hair says eyeing me from head to toe shamelessly "but with a girl this beautiful" he looks at other guys and smirks. I slowly step behind Brooklyn because honestly I'm afraid.

"Don't" Brooklyn warns "take a step forward or think about doing something to her" I'm a bit taken aback by his warning.

Oh! So he's trying to protect me?!?

"Oops! Someone is scaring me" the brown hair guy mocks
"Jake , don't force me to do something that we both would regret very Badly"
So his name is Jake.

"Come with me. I want to talk to you" Jake demands.
Brooklyn looks at me "don't worry we won't do anything to her" Jake assures

"You shouldn't have worn such short clothes" he whispers into my ear
"You don't get to decide that"
"I was just saying"
"Please don't "
"Stay here"

Three of them walks away. Brooklyn turns and looks at me
"Don't go anywhere" he mouths and walks away leaving me alone in the middle of nowhere but drunk people. I look around and see a kitchen full of beer bottles. I walk to the kitchen and debate.

Should I drink ? No I shouldn't. Just one bottle. One bottle won't hurt.

A/N : whoop! Loved writing this chapter because I'm back.
What do you think is going to happen? Comment your theories. The person who gets its right I'll dedicate the next chapter to the winner.

Vote, comment and spread the word it'll mean the world to me.
All the love!
Byee xx

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