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Brittany and Rosa carried Hampton into his tent , then came out and sarcasticly said to Dillan-"Thanks for the help Dillan."

Brittany looks at me and asks-"Why is this B**** still here?"

Rosa and Brittany then walked over to me and Dillan , and then screamed at the sight of Zaria.

Rosa-"Who would do this?"

Dillan-"I dont know, but the bastard slashed my car. We cant leave."

Deja-"Why the HELL not?"

Dillan-"We cant just go by feet."

I held my head and said-" I am surrounded by idiots."

Brittany-"Shut your mouth WHORE . It was probally you that did this."

Deja-"I hope you die next."

Dillan turned to me and said-"Deja please stop saying stuff like that to my girlfriend."

Rosa interrupted our soon to be brawl and asked-"Guys where is Jeff?"

I turned my head to Zaria's separated leg and noticed that its wrapped up in Jeffs shirt , with a note unto it . I unwrapped the shirt and loudly read the note saying-"HE'S NATURE'S FOOD NOW."

Dillan started to feel stressed and said-"Ohh god He've got Jeff."

Brittany-"Ok guys, lets not jump to conclusions .It could have been a psycho bear."

I looked at her and said-"Really B**** , a bear did this."


I ignored Brittany's ignorance and said-"We need to stay protected and stay aware of our surroundings, and all ways stick together."

Every one stared at me in a confused look and asked-"Weren't you leaving?"

Deja-"Yes, but you all will likely die with out me."

Dillan got offended and his masculinity  and ego got bigger than usual and said-"We dont need you,They got me."

Deja-"One jock,Two whores and a sprained anckled male cant beat this killer , and we're in his own territory."

Rosa-"So what do you suggest we do?"

Deja-"I would suggest you all to stay alive, but you Idiots might walk directly in his trap.So I am laying down some rules on survival. Since you guys dont want  to leave, which I dont know why. You all must  stick together and keep each other safe , never split up and  kill if needed."

I dropped my stuff and went in Hamptons tent to check on him.

He's fully awake and in pain.

Deja-"How you doing?"

Hamptons-"Not so good."

Deja-"I hope that your feel better."

Hampton laughed and said-"I guess I need to get hurt more often to talk to you.

Deja-"I guess so."

Hampton changed the topic and said-"Am really sorry for dropping all of my feelings on you. I just really like you, dont you like me?"

I was praying that Hampton does'nt talk about his feelings for me, and there it was.

I am speechless , and Hampton just layed there waiting for my response.

What should I do?

THE CAMPING MASSACRETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon