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As were running Hampton started to feel slight pain in his anckle. He held unto me , and slowed me down.

I stopped and removed his hand , which led him to clumsly fall down flat on the ground.

Rosa turns around and asks -"What your problem B****? "

She helps him up and asks-"Are you ok babe?"

Hampton pushed Rosa away and says-"Your not my babe, Deja is."

Deja-" Am not your babe neither.I hate all of you and I hope that you all die."

Dillan says-"Drama queen ."

Deja-"This Drama queen is alive , unlike your peasant of a girlfriend."

Dillan-"Dont say S*** like that , I loved her."

Deja-"Oh really? Throw this whole prank you thought that Brittany was alive . Why would you sleep with Rosa if you loved her?"

Dillan-"I needed some quick P**** . Just something to make my night."

Rosa-"Umm Dillan this is'nt a one night stand type of P**** , this the marriage worthy type of P****."

I ignored them all and continued moving.

Hampton -"Where are you going?"

I shouted -" F*** you"

Hampton to catch up with me, he held my hand and said-"Am sorry , I really wanted to tell you ,but I did'nt know how. What they did to you is F***** UP . You have every reason to be mad, but please dont break up what we have. I promise you that I will never keep anything away from you again."

Deja-"Nice speech , but promises are meant to be broken , and you showed me that love is over rated.I did love and trust you , but thats all over now. Have a good life."

As I was about to continue moving he grabbed me and asked-"What can I do to make you stay with me? Give me one more chance, please."

He stared deeply into my eyes and said-"Tell me you still dont feel a spark between us."

My brain told me to say it , but my heart would'nt allow it. His lips started to hypnotize me , but I quickly snatched my senses and said-"One more chance , thats all. You will earn this piece of A** back."

His smile burst in joy , he said-"Thank you so much , I promise I wont mess up , no more secrets."

Dillan-"Now that we're done with the lovey dovey BULL S*** can we start moving now?"

Rosa-"Aww you guys are kinda cute , but dont forget Hampton still ate this P**** boo."

I said to Hampton-"Am not going with them."

Dillan -"What do you mean your not going with us?"

Deja-"I mean I dont want anything to do with you idiots, you both will die on your own."

Dillan-"It was a simple joke , get over it."

Deja-"Simple joke? I will loose my foot up your balls , you ignorant jock."

Dillan -"What did I ever do to you?"

When Dillan asked that question my mind swifted away.

It was'nt until Hampton started to yell at me -"Deja relax."

I've relise that I attacked him for being an A**HOLE .

Suddenly I heard loud siren , and saw red and blue lights being flashed all over the place.

I then notice a man pointing a gun at us commanding-"Get on the ground."

They shoved us in the police car and the caucasian male said-"You all are a bunch of murdering N***** .Yall are going to the cell."

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