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I went to them and asked-"Are you guys crazy? There is a murderer thats going to kill us."

Dillan-"We're tired, give us a break."

Deja-"For a jock you are worthless ."

Rosa-"Leave us alone , we can survive by our selves."

Hampton shouted at me saying-"Leave those idiots alone and lets get out of here."

I shushed and him and said-"Dont shout, he might hear us."

Rosa shouted at Hampton saying-"You were'nt calling me a Idiot while you was eating this P****."

Hampton-"No one cares about your fish tank bottom vagina. Its time to leave before we all get killed."

Dillans stands up and asks-"Hampton why dont you shut your B**** A** up?"

While they were arguing I started to hear loud foot steps coming our way.

I shouted -"SHUT THE F*** UP.There is a killer coming our way now , and we need to leave immediately."

As we were about to leave the masked killer sliced Dillans calf and Dillan painfully fell to the ground.

Luckly for Dillan, I picked up the nearest wood and brook it over his/hers head ,leaving this sick and twisted person knocked out.One mind told me to unmask the killer , and the other told me to get the HELL out of there.I obviously went with my motto , 'CURIOUSITY DID'NT KILL THE CAT' .

Rosa helped Dillan up and we kept moving.

As we was about to meet our exit,I turned around my head to see if the killer was still on the ground, but he vanished.

I ignored it , and kept moving. We needed rest , so we stopped to the DINE IN & DINE OUT MOTEL .

The smell of old fries and beer filled the place. We went up to manager.Dillan throwed his wallet at her and said -"Two rooms please."

Every one kept staring at our bloody outfits.

They obviously noticed that we're not from Texas , and they also know why we're bloody.

The old man came to me and asked-"Did you kill him?"

Deja-"Am sorry what?"

His widen his eyes and asked-"Did you kill him?"

Deja-"How do you know what happened to us?"

The old man-"Well it obvious, every one from Texas knows not to go in those woods."

Deja-"Am not sure if he's dead, I think he got away."

Hampton jumped in our conversation and asked the old man-"The police will deal with Caitlyn right?"

The old man-"Caitlyn? Caitlyn is dead, the victims parents of the children he murdered captured him and burned him alive on a stick."

Deja-"Then who are you talking about?"

The old man-"Rumor has it , that its his baby brother."

The bartender over heard our conversation and said to me and Hampton-"Am sorry if this old crazy hag is scaring you."

He collected The old man and exited him to the door.

While he was being exited he shouted-"Watch out for him, Grass is a every day meal for him."

Hampton-"Wow I guess he really is crazy."

Deja -"What did he mean by Grass is a every day meal for him?"

Hampton-"I dont know, he's just crazy."

Dillan handed us a room key and said-"Try not to F*** loudly please."

Hampton-"Same to you ."

We went in our rooms.

Me and Hampton immediately landed on the bed and tried to quietly celebrate not dieing.

Hampton-"I cant believe that we are survivers of a killer."

Deja-"Everything happened so fast."

Hampton-"I know that we've only been officially dating for a couple hours , but we've been throw alot together, but I think I love you."

Deja-"I would love me to If I saved my life , your a big cheese ball."

He laughed and gave me a lustful look.

I could tell what he wanted to do , and I honestly wouldn't mine it.

I guess he saw that I wanted it to cause he slowly took off my clothes and held me down. My back began to tingle slightly as he licked my P**** until we were able to swim in the bed. His tongue mingled directly on my spot . He definitely new what was doing. He then pulled out his long member and allowed me to admire it for a moment. He sticked his thick big black 9inch D***  into my P****.  I felt my breath flew away as he moved slowly within me .He then began to move a bit faster which caused my toes to curl up . Hampton kept thrusting in and out of me , until finally I screamed his name.

He began to nibble on my neck and whisper -"CALL ME DADDY."

He thrust even harder just so I could say it louder.

Hampton then finally pulled out and came on my stomach. He allowed me to ride his face until am dripping that lovely juice he loves.

We both cuddled and rested for an hour .

While we're laying down , we heard loud moaning coming from Rosa's and Dillans room.

We both laughed at there loud moaning.

I decided to put on my clothes and go down for something to drink.

As I went down I noticed that the lights were out. There was a disgusting scent of death that smothered the place.

I picked up the rusty pole and walked in slowly hoping that the scent is actually a dead rat.

I opened the door , and there was blood every where , and the heads of the innocent were used as decorations.The killer obviously got creative.

The killer left a message in there blood on the walls saying-"ITS NOT FINISH"

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