14- Nurse Georgia

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Georgia's P.O.V

As i walked back onto the stage i was quite scared to tell all the fans that one of the boys couldn't preform.

"Now guys, i'm afraid i have some bad news." i said as Marcel came back onto the stage.

"I'm afraid that the doctor has told us that one of the boys in unable to preform for you guys tonight." i said before many girls started to cry and boo. "We apologise that he cannot come out and he is trying to make a recovery."

"But anyway, On with the show!" Marcel shouted into the microphone.

"May i introduce to you...Mr Zayn Malik!" Hundreds of girls started to scream. "Mr Louis Tomlinson!" Marcel helped. "Mr Liam Payne!" More and more girls started screaming. "And Mr Harry Styles!" i finished. The whole audience screamed. Some girls who obviously loved Niall was so upset. I felt kind of bad because people had paid a lot of money to see all five. "We apologise that Niall cannot come out tonight he said he is very sorry, but on with the show! Here they are! ONE DIRECTION!" i shouted as me and Marcel ran off stage and the band began to play. "I'm gonna go and see Niall" i shouted to Marcel as i carried on running down the Hall to Niall's dressing room. As i arrived outside i knocked on the door. 

"Come In" i heard a weak voice say.

"Hey Ni, i came to check you was alright" i said as i walked inside.

"I've been better" he said as he half smiled.

"Aw, well do you need anything?" I asked politely.

"Food" Niall Laughed.

"Ni, there's a fridge full of food here" i said laughing as i walked over to the fridge.

"Its No Nando's" Niall winked.

"I'd go and get you a Nando's but i seriously cannot be bothered." i said as i sat on the chair next to him. He just laughed before sitting up. The Music from the four boys singing was echoing round the building. Niall placed his hands on his forehead before moaning. "What's wrong" I asked as i placed my hand on his forehead to check if he had a temperature. "I have the worst headache and my ears keep ringing." Niall said as he closed his eyes. "Then sitting here is probably the worst place to be!" i said as i stood up. "I will be back in a sec" i said as i ran down the hall to Marcel. "Hey!" i said as i stopped in front of Marcel. "Hey how's Niall?" He asked. "He seems alright but he has a terrible headache and his ears are ringing, so i'm taking him home, i should be back before the end, and if you see Perrie, tell her i said i'm going to kick her butt" i said as i ran back down the hall to Niall's dressing room. "Hello again" Niall said as i walked inside the room. I picked up his shoes and walked over to the ill boy. "What are you doing?" He asked as i placed his shoes by his feet. "Come on, put your shoes on, i'm taking you home" i said smiling. Niall sat up and began to put his shoes on. I walked around the room picking up things i thought he would need. I grabbed his phone and clicked the lock screen. It had a picture of Justin Bieber. It was definatly Niall's. I picked up his jacket and some keys. "These yours?" i asked showing the keys. Niall nodded and stood up. "Come on then Numpty" i said as i passed him his jacket and began to walk out of the room. "Let me write a note" Niall quickly said as he found a pen and some paper. He scribbled down a few words and exited the room, following me to the exit. He followed me through the car park and up to my car when he suddenly burst out laughing. "Your Car is so cool!" Niall said laughing. "Very British" He continued. "Very Me" i finished as i winked and unlocked the car. 

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