17- 'princess'

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*Georgia's P.O.V*

Before we stood up to leave, a young girl shyly walked up to me and Niall. She was wearing a One Direction t-shirt and had '1D' and 'LM' painted on each cheek.

Behind her where four girls who had evil grins.

"Hi.. erm, i'm really sorry for bothering you but could i ask you something?" she asked politely to Niall.

"Yes of corse, would you like a photo or something?" Niall smiled down to her.

she must have been about 11.

"Well yes, i would love a photo but i was going to ask you a question." She said as she looked at the floor. Her arms were behind her back and she was slowly kicking her feet.

"Sure princess?" Niall replied sweetly.

The girl brought her face to look right up to Niall's. As she brought her arms down by her sides i started to see many marks on her arms.

i suddenly felt terrible for her.

"Why couldnt you come out to perform tonight? i don't want to seem rude, but the show wasn't the same without you tonight." she looked back down at the floor.

"I'm sorry i couldn't be there princess but i didnt feel well at all." Niall replied.

i loved the way he called her princess,

it was so cute.

Niall got down onto one knee and hugged her lightly.

A instant smile grew on her face as he held her.

As he released the hug Niall saw her marked arms before bringing his lips to her arms and lightly kissing them.

"Please don't." he whispered.

A tear started to roll down her cheek.

It made me want to cry.

Niall pulled her into another hug before releasing and standing back up.

"Do you have twitter?" Niall asked her politely.

She replied with a simple yes.

"What's your username?" He asked

"@ouririshcharmer" she replied while niall pulled out his phone and began to type.

after following her i took a photo of them bother before we left.

That was surely a memorable moment.

As we walked to my car i began to speak.

"That was really sweet of you." i lightly spoke.

Niall smiled before looking at his phone. He started typing as i pulled out of the parking space.

"Where too then Horan?" i asked as he looked up from his phone.

"Back to the show please." he replied quietly.

Georgia RoseWhere stories live. Discover now