Scenario 8- He cheats... You break up ;-;

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Scenario 8- He cheats... You break up ;-;

You where walking towards the host club when your phone started to ring, you quickly answered and it was your father. "Hi daddy" you smiled and stopped by the doors of the host club, "hun" he muttered, "your boyfriend... Souh... I was out shopping for your mother, around 5:30 this morning, before school time. I saw him making out with another girl who i know wasn't you as your mother confirmed you where still in bed asleep. He handed her a present and she kissed him in thanks..." He explained, your eyes watered as you said goodbye to your father.

You opened the doors for the host club after fixing your self up, "oh hello (y/n)" Kyoya greeted with a smile. "Hello. I have a question, do the hosts ever kiss the girls out of club?" You asked trying to play it cool, "not even in club... Why?" He asked giving you a quizzical look. "Oh no reason but thank you. Tamaki!" You thanked him before calling out to your boyfriend. "Oh uh hello love" Tamaki said awkwardly, "hi um who did you buy a necklace for?" You asked tapping the necklace you where wearing. "Oh uh you?" He said in confusion, "wrong. You got me paws, but my father caught you this morning getting a necklace for another girl" you smiled calmly. He flinched at your calm smile and looked down, "fine.. You caught me.." He muttered, "good bye..." You said and turned out walking out without another word.

You walked happily around school, with a new book, a black journal to match his. You had gone shopping and saw how it looked like his and you thought it was cute and funny. You clutched it close to your chest and thought of what to write in it, "oh (y/n)!" You heard Haruhi shout, "oh hello" you greeted him with a smile and bow. "I found something... You should.. See.." He muttered sadness crossing his face, you shrugged and followed him to behind the school. You felt sick and you couldn't figure out why, something was wrong, you could feel it... You followed Haruhi around to behind the school and saw Kyoya making out with some girl, holding her up on the tree he touched her breast and she moaned loudly.

You had a reason to be sick... You gasped and hugged onto Haruhi and cried, he stroked your hair and lead you back to the host club room, music room #3. "Guys i showed her.." Haruhi said as he lead you to the host clubs room, you held onto his arm and cried. "He doesn't deserve you..." Haruhi muttered and moved some hair from your face, you nodded and dried your tears. "Someone will be lucky to have you one day Haruhi." You muttered and walked to one of the tables. You set down to matching notebook and opened it up, you began to write a note on the first page... Saying how you had caught him, you didn't need him and that he didn't deserve you. You said goodbye on the bottom of the page and signed it, the rest of the pages you wrote in bold writing sad things like death, depression, tears, etc. Then you left for good....

You where walking next to Hikaru in the mall, "be right back, i need to use the wash room." Hikaru excused him self running off before you could say anything. You shrugged and sat down on a bench close by and pulled out your phone to pass time you read books, played games, and messed around on your phone. "I hope he is okay" you muttered looking around when he hadn't returned after 10 minutes.

*20 minuets later*

You got tired of waiting and went to check on him, on the way to the mens restroom. You saw a sight that made you pale, Hikaru was holding hands with another girl and was walking around the mall with her. Instead of jumping to conclusions, you decided to follow them. You slowly and slyly followed them, "oh thank you for this date Hikaru! I love you!" The girl said in an annoying high pitched voice. "I love you too baby girl" he replied and kissed her forehead, "oh hi Hikaru, how is your date going?" You asked appearing in front of the two. "(Y/n)!" Hikaru gasped stumbling backwards, "i hope my ex boyfriend treats you right, he didn't treat me right." You warned the girl glaring at the two. "What do you mean?" She asked in her squeaky voice, "well, you're his side hoe, he is cheating on me with you." You replied before waving good bye and walking home crying....

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