Chapter One: Interview

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*Marcy's POV*

Anxiety rushed my body as I opened the doors to the Pink Panther. My resume has never included pole dancing classes and winning a wet t-shirt contest on spring break, but here I was; coming to an interview at the hottest strip club in San Diego.

It was 7pm, the interviews started a couple hours before they opened for the night, and the place was lit up like Las Vegas.

As I walked in a deep voice greeted me, "Welcome to the Pink Panther, What can we do for you?" it was a man dressed in all black, his muscles bulging from his tight shirt. "I'm Marcy and I'm here for an interview"

"Right this way sweetheart" he said as he led me past a huge bar that had at least 20 seats, I looked at all the bottles that sat behind it, there were dozens, and I hadn't heard of half of them. After passing two circle stages the man stepped aside and motioned for me to continue ahead.

I saw two other girls sitting around a big purple platform chatting away, they looked gorgeous, hair and makeup done like I only wish I could do mine. A tall woman with black hair and a huge pink streak in the front approached me, she was wearing a very short skirt and a halter top that shimmered in the dull lighting. Her heels made her seem 10 feet tall.

"Hello there, you must be" she paused and looked at the clipboard in her hands, "Marcy!" She leaned in and kissed both of my cheeks, like I always see Europeans do in movies.

"Nice to meet you" I managed to say, as fear shot through me, was I going to have to dance already? Were those other girls interviewing also?

"I'm Kitty, the owner of this fine establishment. I'll be doing your interview. There's a booth we can use right here" She said as she nodded to her left. I sat down in the big red booth seat, it looked like a chair Hugh Heffner would have in his mansion. The booth wrapped around a big half circle table and could probably hold 10 people. Kitty sat down beside me, leaving about 2 feet between us.

The interview started with your average questions about transportation, hours, pay, and availability. I felt it was going pretty smooth, which helped lower my anxiety. Plus kitty seemed pretty awesome, she was so laid back with her conversation.

"Alright Marcy, now its time to see your moves! I need to know what you got for me" she said as her bright pink lips formed a smile. "Did you bring an outfit? Or do you need to borrow one of ours? We only have about 500." she chuckled in a way that made me smile.

I fumbled through the big blue book bag I carried in with me, keys, lotion, ah ha!

I finally found it, the outfit I had chosen to bring for the dance.

*Vixen's POV*

I don't know why Kitty thinks we need more girls, I think the Pink Panther is doing great right now. Not to mention the fat money we're making! Having more girls just means less tips, so I think it's lame.

Trinity and I had already watched 3 girls dance for Kitty today and they all looked like losers. The second girl even fell off the stage, which we thought was hilarious.

"I was thinking about getting my nails done again, this bright green is just annoying now" Trinity was blabbering away, seems like she went to the nail salon every other day. "Do you wanna go with me?"

"Yeah, mine are growing out anyways. I was thinking about some cool glittery shit this time." As I answered Tiara I saw the last girl for the interviews get on stage. Her outfit wasn't too bad, a t-shirt that she modified to be tight and short enough to show her flat stomach, it said Bon Jovi across the front. Her shorts were Daisy Duke style, and she had cowboy boots to finish the look. She didn't look bad either; she was pale with long, wavy fire red hair that accented her dark brown eyes.

"Damn, at least this one knows how to dress" Trinity said as we watched the girl.

Kitty started the music, it was Mackelmore's Thrift Shop Song. Me and Trinity swayed to the song, singing along.

The girl started with a sexy walk to the pole, then did a fireman's spin, amateur I thought. From the spin she landed on the floor and gyrated her ass to the beat, crawling back to get her arms on the pole. Once she reached the pole she climbed it, better than I thought she was going to be able to. I was surprised to see her sit at the top and brace herself with her arms while freeing her legs and bottom to do what looked like twerking.

"Not too bad, what do you think?" I asked Trinity, and by the look on her face she was pretty impressed.

"Reminds me of myself when I started!" She replied.

After a couple more moves the music ended and she walked off stage.

We went back to our chatting, "What are you doing tonight man?" I asked Trinity.

"I'm not sure, I heard Lola was going to this rave downtown somewhere. I was thinking about going, but I could just get trashed at home. What about you?"

We heard a shriek and turned to where it came from, it was the interview girl and Kitty.

"Looks like we got some new blood" Trinity laughed.

"Shit, it's 8:30. We need to get ready!" I grabbed my bag and ran towards the dressing room doors. Trinity close behind.

*Trinity's POV*

I rushed to put on my first outfit of the night, a tight leather dress with zippers up the sides. This one was always a hit with the guys. Vixen helped me with my makeup, making a dark smoky eye, with purple lashes.

"I love this stuff, the colored mascara they have now!" Vixen was always getting the newest makeup. I looked at her while she did some finishing touches. Her shoulder length blond hair was straight and had glitter shook all over it, making her glisten like a fairy. Her skin was tan, and I was jealous of her deep blue eyes. Tonight she had on a pink bikini top with tight matching booty shorts, showing off the gorgeous elephant tattoo on her left thigh. She had just gotten it about a month ago and was so excited about it.

"There!" She said as she put the makeup away, I turned and looked in the mirror.

"Thanks girl! You do the best makeup. What time do you go on tonight?" I asked as I looked around at all the other girls that had joined us in the dressing room. There were some at the mirrors doing their hair and makeup, and others still changing.

She scrunched up her face and said "I go on third, after Amber and Jasmine. What about you?"

"I'm on before GiGi, she has the big show tonight. I think one of us deserves to finally have that spot. We have been on point girl." I gave her a hug before walking towards the bathroom.

"Yeah, we'll see how THAT goes. . " she yelled and stuck out her tongue as I opened the bathroom door.

We all used the bathroom as our smoking area, Kitty didn't seem to mind since the customers never came back here. I pulled a camel crush out of the pack and lit it, inhaling deeply.

I shook my head as I saw one of the girls come stumbling out of a stall, she still had white under her nose. She regained her balance and looked in the mirror to wash her face.

I saw her look at me from the mirror, "What are you looking at?"

"Are you going to be able to go on tonight?" I asked, not caring about the irritated tone of her voice.

"Yeah, don't worry about it" was all she replied before leaving the bathroom.

It's a shame how some of these girls get, her name was Star and she hadn't even worked her a couple months yet. Oh well, everyone has issues I thought as I put my cigarette out and joined the others back in the dressing room.

Panther Sistersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें