Chapter Three: Logan's

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*Trinity's POV*

It was 4 in the morning and we had just gotten to Logan's house, it was a pretty big 2 level made of gorgeous stone, the front had a small fountain of a naked lady in the center of the roundabout driveway. I looked over at Lola, who had fallen asleep, I'm not surprised. Vixen and I looked at each other and smiled, who knew this guy had so much money! 

"Wow, this guy is loaded." She whispered.  

I gave her a wink in response. If we got close with this guy, we could have a sugar daddy or something. We'd be living the good life!  

"So what do ya think?" Logan asked, looking at us through the rear-view. He parked the car in front of the house.  

"It's beautiful" Vixen and I gleamed.  

I shook Lola just enough to wake her up and we all piled out of the car.  

"Shit man." She said once she wiped her eyes and took in the surroundings at Logan's house. I playfully bumped her with my shoulder.  

Logan opened the door for us, the inside looked like a house on MTV cribs. 

"This is the nicest house I've ever been in" I mumbled to myself, not quietly enough, as Logan turned and chuckled, "Thanks babe." 

After taking us on a short tour, We sat in the living room drinking coffee. Lola had found the TV remote and had Freaks and Geeks playing on the 50 inch flat screen.  

"So how'd you get a fancy house like this?" Vixen asked. 

"I'm some what of a boss around here" He said with a smirk. I wasn't quite sure what he meant by that, but Vixen must have had some kind of idea, from the way she looked at me and said "Oohh".  

"Wouldn't you ladies like to live like this?"He looked around.  

"Fuck yeah!" Lola said, eyes still glued to the TV show.  

"Some people don't have what it takes to get it though, ya know." 

"How so?" I asked, taking a sip of the hot caramel coffee in my hand. Yum, it was so good. Those Keurig makers make the best coffee.

"I just mean it takes balls to get this kind of status. I ain't afraid of shit! I get what I want, when I want it." His smirk was showing all of his teeth now, there was a golden one on the top left.

"I feel ya. Wer'e just some dancers trying to live life, having fun and not taking shit from anyone."Lola's attention on the conversation instead of the TV now.  

"That's what I'm looking for, some company in this big ol' house " He chuckled, "Just thought you might enjoy life in the fast lane". 

"You've got my attention" Vixen said, walking over and sitting next to him. She gave him a kiss on the cheek.  

"So what do you want us to do? Be hookers or some shit?" I scolded. 

"Never! I do more" he paused, "robbing and dealing type stuff". 

"Ohh, Okay. Shit." Was all I could say in response. It couldn't hurt though, could it? Life is for living, and that's what I plan on doing.

"Fuck it man. I'm in!" Lola jumped off the couch and started dancing, spinning all over the living room before coming and sitting on my lap. "What'a ya say babe?"  

"I'm in"

*Lola's POV*

Logan was chill as shit, and living the good life. He asked us, of all people, to join him in this business. What we were going to do, I'm not sure, but what do I have to lose? We only live once, and I'm up for one hell of a ride! Trinity wasn't as sure about it as me and Vixen, But she'll change her mind I'm sure.

Logan was nice enough to give us spare rooms to sleep in, the bed was a huge king and the room was decorated perfectly. I was laying next to Trinity, her thick brown hair was sprawled all over the pillow. Her brown eyes were open and looking at her phone that glowed brightly in the dark room.

"This could be fun, man. We are going to be fancy bitches! Gimme my Mercedes." I was laying on my side, my head leaning against my hand.

"Yeah, you're right. It sounds like some badass shit, nobody's going to mess with us!" She looked away from her phone and made a mean face that made me laugh. "Time for some shut eye babe, we need our beauty sleep ya know" Trinity laid her phone on the nightstand and turned on her side. I heard her snoring within what seemed like seconds.

I messed around on my phone for awhile, looking at Instagram and Twitter until I got bored and decided to look around the house. We had just drank coffee, how the fuck was I supposed to sleep now! I got out of the bed as slowly and quietly as I could, I didn't want to ruin Trinity's beauty sleep after all. I giggled in my head.

I left the door cracked behind me as I walked into the dark hallway. I wondered around the big house, looking at all the paintings and decorations using the glow from my phone as a flashlight. I made my way downstairs and strolled around the kitchen, dining room, and living room. Shit, I'm still not tired.

I turned on the TV, it was some lame ass infomercial. I fumbled around in my purse, pulling out my reds and lighting one. I heard someone coming down the stairs and looked toward the entrance to the room. There was a man walking towards the couch, I couldn't make out who it was through the darkness.

"What's up" The man finally said, with a deep voice.

"Can't sleep, who are you?" I asked, straining my eyes to try and make out some sort of facial feature. "And could you turn the light on man, its dark as shit in here."

"Don't you just hate that. My name is James, I live here with Logan." The light illuminated the room, making me blink several times. Once my eyes adjusted I was able to see James. He wasn't too tall and not too fat or skinny. He had soft tan skin, dark brown hair and eyes. The hair on his face was shaped into a goatee. He looked pretty sexy to me, so I smiled, "Thanks, want a cig?"

James reached his hand across the couch and I handed him one. We sat there, smoking and watching the infomercial for awhile.

"How'd you end up here?" James asked between smoke rings.

"Well we met Logan at this rave and he brought us here. Me and my friends, we are going to be hanging around more often. I guess." I put my cigarette into the empty coffee cup that was on the table from earlier and lit another, just trying to have a reason to talk to James.

"Word, that's pretty cool. You all must be pretty tough then, wanting to hang around with guys like us." He shifted in his seat on the couch, to turn more towards me. "Tell me more about yourself, I don't even know you're name gorgeous."

I laughed,"Shit, you're right. I'm Lola, my friends Vixen and Trinity are passed out upstairs. We all work at the Pink Panther. That's about all there is to know about me really, they're my main bitches and we are just about living life. What about you?"

He gave a quick smile, and put his cigarette in the same coffee cup on the table. "I've known Logan since High school. We were always getting into trouble for graffiti, vandalism, and once for having weed. I guess we just got good at what we did, and now look where we are." He shrugged a little.

"Well isn't that just sweet" I teased. The sun was beginning to shine through the green curtains and I decided I should try and get some sleep. "Sorry babe, but I need to get to bed." I put my cigarette in the cup and walked toward the stairs, stopping by James to kiss his cheek and giving him a wink as I walked away.

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