Chapter Six: Let's Do This

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*Marcy's POV*

Paul was so upset with me, and now I'm about to help with a robbery! Things were changing a lot, I wasn't sure how to feel about everything. I don't do things like this, I've always been the good girl; no drugs, not a lot of alcohol, no sleeping around. I just hope my new friends and this life they have doesn't change me completely. The only thing is, I feel so much more alive here with them, like the world is in our hands and we can do whatever we want! Maybe I'm growing out of my old self, and out of Paul, but I can't ignore him forever; he is still my boyfriend.

I took the easy way out and texted him: Hey Paul, I'll call you later tonight. I'm going to hangout with the girls again today so don't worry.

We were all sitting around getting twisted again, I didn't want to drink too much; If I did I wouldn't be any use later tonight. I stopped taking hits after two, and only had 3 shots of Jack. The rest of them continued getting fucked up.

Man, I had to pee! I stood up, the room spinning. Oh shit, was I going to puke? No, I swallowed it down and gained balance.

Leaving the bathroom I saw Logan in the foyer, "Hey Fox, you alright?" he smiled.

"Yeah, I'm good. A little messed up I think." I slurred, walking over to him. He reached out and hugged me.

"You're sexy as hell, you know." He whispered in my ear, his breath smelled of sweet whiskey. He was attractive, but I had Paul and wasn't sure what to think. My mind spun in all directions.

I managed to come up with a response, "Thanks handsome". That wasn't too bad, just flirting. It was a good enough response for him because he let go, smiled at me and continued doing what he was before I saw him.

-Hours later-

Riding in the car on the way there, I'm not drunk anymore but still a little high. I look around at everyone, soaking in the situation; we're all wearing black, us girls with tight black leggings and tight mid drift tops, gotta look good even during a robbery. Logan and James had black ski masks on, ready to pull over their faces, ours were purple and had an orange cat's face on the top center; Vixen picked them out. My hands are shaking, nerves? adrenaline? I'm not sure but James is driving fast, we're whipping around corners and going through stop lights. Vixen, Trinity and Lola are next to me, they seem excited, like its a ride to the fair. There's music playing loudly, I haven't been listening, too focused on my thoughts, "BORN TO BE WWIII-IIILLLDDD" oh how fitting that this song is playing.

We slowed, nearing this beaten up gray and rusted warehouse. "This is it." Logan whispers. My mind floats away from me, this is no time to be a baby.

"Let's just do this." I say, my voice unfamiliar and strong. The girls turn to me, surprised.

We quietly get out of the car, careful not to bang the doors shut. Logan leads the way, creeping through the shadows of the night. The lights from inside the warehouse shine out. We stop between a truck and the building's wall. The boys slide their masks down, we do the same.

"Okay, me and James are going to enter first, then you girls. If you see someone with a gun, take care of it. We can't have any of us getting shot." His voice was like someone out of an action movie. This seemed so surreal.

They walked towards the door and disappeared inside. We looked at each other, excited and terrified all at once. "Here we go bitches" Lola whispered, taking the lead and walking inside.

I stayed close to Trinity, safety in numbers. When we walked in I saw the guys towards the back, behind some boxes. I ran to the closest box I saw and opened it. It was full of bags of white powder; coke. I hadn't seen the stuff before. I grabbed 3 bags, they were pretty heavy. Gaining Trinity's attention, I nodded towards the boxes, she grabbed a couple and we set them in the bed of the truck we hid behind earlier. We came back to look for some more shit, I went to the closest box, Trinity to one next to mine. There was yelling from someone, Vixen? A gun shot. My heart raced. I quickly grabbed the entire box and made my way out the door.

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