Chapter Four: First Night

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*Marcy's POV*

I spent all day with Paul but he still didn't know what my new job was. I have to tell him before I go in tonight; It shouldn't matter because we love each other, right?

He was sitting on the futon couch watching Breaking Bad when I walked over and sat by him. "Babe, I have to tell you something about my new job."

He turned to me with a curious expression, "What is it?"

I was getting nervous, "I don't want anything to change. You might think less of me because of this job, some people do."

"Marcy, what are you talking about? What's the job?" I could hear irritation rising in his voice.

"Okay, right to the point. It's at the Pink Panther, I'm going to be a dancer. Its good money and you know Laura needs help with her bills. I love you and I just don't want this to change anything." I grabbed his hand, holding tears back. I hope he doesn't leave me.

After a second of silence he responded, "Marcy, you have to do what you think is best and I will always love you. Nothing will change as long as you don't change. I'm here for you."

"Oh my gosh, I am so glad! I'm lucky to have you babe." I leaned over and gave him a kiss, glad to have that off my chest.

"But now you're going to have to practice with me. Ow ow!" He winked and gave me a hug.

"Of course! But I have to get ready to go. I hope its not bad, my first night and all."

Paul got his stuff and gave me a kiss before he left my studio apartment. I put a little makeup on and tried to figure out what I needed to take with me for my first night.

As I drove the 45 minutes to the Pink Panther, I blared Evanescence; Evanescence is my most favorite band, rocking out to them helped calm my nerves. I arrived at about 8 o'clock and parked my Ford Focus in the back where all the other girls did, there was a bunch of them getting out of their cars and walking in. I saw the two girls that where there when I had my interview, they were walking with a third girl who had pink hair. They were pushing each other around and laughing. I grabbed my bag and locked up the car, Here we go!

When I got inside it was like a madhouse. There were girls everywhere! They were all talking and laughing while doing their hair and makeup. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just stood there a second and soaked it all in.

One of the girls from the other day started walking towards me, the one with blond hair. She was wearing a pink cowgirl outfit and had a huge smile on her face, "Hey darlin', I'm Vixen and I'm going to teach ya the ropes tonight!"

"Hey. I'm Marcy, sounds good! So what do we do first?" I smiled back, at least she seemed friendly.

"Well, we need to get you all done up! I think Kitty said you can pick one of our outfits to wear if you want. Then, I'll help you with your makeup and hair. You're going to look sexy as hell when we're done. Don't you worry!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a huge wardrobe.

There were so many outfits to choose from, I had no idea where to start. "I'm not sure what I should wear, this is my first time doing this sort of thing."

"Okay, let's see." She looked me over, up and down then said, "We'll show that great ass!" Vixen slid hangers over and pulled out two outfits for me to chose from. One had a sequin black and blue bandeau style top with matching sequin blue bottoms. The bottoms were almost a thong and were very low cut around the waist. The other outfit reminded me of the little mermaid, it had a purple top that clasped in the front middle and a teal pair of bottoms.

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