Chapter Twelve: Back at the Panther

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*Marcy's POV*

What was that? I ran and dipped behind the couch, covering myself with a blanket. I had been alone since Mark left to help with the raid and I was freaking the fuck out.

I peeked out of my blanket's safety, shifting my eyes left and right; the coast was clear and I hadn't heard a noise for a couple of minutes so I slowly stood up, keeping the blanket wrapped around me. Feeling that I wasn't alone I walked the perimeter of the apartment; I didn't see or hear anything. Maybe one more line? I grabbed my bag, shit! There was hardly a line left, so I just rolled the bag's edges up and held the bag close to my nose, inhaling everything I could. Now what?

I was running out of things to occupy myself in Mark's absence. Maybe I should sleep, what time is it? the little green numbers on the alarm clock glowed, 4:00. But my eyes were wide open, they weren't going to allow me to sleep, neither would my mind. My thoughts traveling in all directions. Another noise! I jumped on the ground, and crawled like an army man to the kitchen where I quickly stood up and grabbed a butcher knife. I went to the door and looked out of the peep hole, no one was out there, only a bare hallway. Calm down Marcy, you're fine!

I sat on the couch and turned the TV on, keeping the knife in reaching distance on the table. This should help keep me distracted. I had watched one episode of The Big Bang Theory and was starting another when I heard what sounded like the doorknob turning. I grabbed the knife as fast as lightening and dashed behind the wall that separates the living room and kitchen. My heart was pounding faster than ever, my head swarming with ideas of intruders. The government knows I've been doing coke. No, that couldn't happen. It's the gang we robbed the first night. How would they find me? I shook my head, "Get it together." I whispered.

Footsteps! Someone's actually in here this time.

"Mark?" I called, the knife vibrating in my trembling hands.

"It's me. What are you doing?" I was so relieved to hear his gentle voice. I tossed the knife into the sink, turned the corner and ran up to my warm savior.

"Hey! I was so scared. I kept hearing noises like someone was after me." I informed him.

"Well I'm here now." He smiled and we came out of our embrace.

"Marce, you okay?" He asked, his voice full of concern, I veered my eyes away from his. I'm sure I looked like a mess, a wild animal maybe.

"Yeah. No worries!" I turned and headed for the bathroom.

My reflection was like that of a hobo's. My hair was tossed and tangled in all directions from the wrath of my nervous hands as they tugged on it. My eyes were as wide as a deer's and as red as wine. I look like shit.

Knock, Knock.

I jumped. Wait, it's only Mark. "Come in"

The door opened slowly and Mark's worried face appeared in front of mine.

"Just checking on you sweetie." His small smile held sadness instead of its usual happiness.

I remained looking in the mirror, "Just freshening up babe."

"Marcy! Your nose is bleeding." Mark rushed over and grabbed some toilet paper, sticking it under my nose and tilting my head back. "What's really going on?" He asked in a low voice.

My eyes stared directly into his, our souls looking at each other, there's no way I could lie to him. He would find out anyway, "I just did a couple too many lines, I think." I managed a smile, not sure if it was meant to comfort him or myself. I was surprised to not see his sympathetic eyes change to angry ones.

Panther Sistersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें