Chapter Two: Rave

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*Vixen's POV*

I counted the tips I got tonight as I waited for Trinity to change, 1, 2, 3, 4, 500 dollars. Not bad, I thought.  

"Trinity, What the hell is taking so long? I am ready to party!" It was already 2 in the morning. We had a good night at the club so we figured we would just continue the fun at the rave Lola was going to. I mean what else would we do, sleep? Yeah Right! 

"I'm coming bitch, hold on! I've got glitter stuck everywhereeee." She yelled back.  

"When does that not happen? It's a rave anyway, glitter is good my dear!" I smiled as I replied and saw Trinity finally emerge from behind the Chinese style dressing screen. 

"Let's get out of here!" We hurried out the back door of the Pink Panther and stopped beside Trinity's beat up old Honda Prelude, it was black with little rusting spots near the bottom. I pulled out my pack of Marlboro Reds and we both lit one up.  

"Why don't you get a new car?" I asked after a couple drags. 

"I don't know, it was my first one and ol' Susie hasn't let me down yet" She winked with her reply.  

"Whatever you say man. Hey, do you know where this rave is?" 

We decided we'd have to call Lola and find out what was going on.

*Lola's POV*

I was sitting outside the Old Brewery in downtown San Diego waiting for Vixen and Trinity. Hopefully I gave them clear directions, I had been here for 2 hours already and was definitely feeling buzzed, not to mention I was waiting for the Molly I took thirty minutes ago to kick in.  

After what seemed like forever, I saw the two of them walk around the corner. I stood up and ran over, hugging them both.  

"What's up guys! It's about time!" I yelled with excitement. 

"Hey girl, I see you're feeling good. Wanna catch me up?" Vixen asked, smiling.  

"Hell yeah! Let's go." I replied, as I pulled their hands towards the side door entrance of the Brewery.  

The air inside was thick with smoke and sweat and there were laser lights shooting all over the open room. I looked at the two of them and smiled.  

The music was pumping loud dub step and there was hardly room to walk around, but we made our way to the bar and ordered drinks.  

I couldn't stop smiling and just had to dance, must be the Molly kicking in. I chugged my blue motorcycle and forced Trinity to do the same, as I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the sea of people.  

We immediately started dancing like mad men, it didn't matter what we looked like because we were having fun, as if we cared what anyone thought anyway! 

"I need another drink!" Trinity yelled into my ear after dancing for awhile. 

We pushed our way through the crowd and found the bar, Trinity ordered another blue motorcycle and I just got some water.  

"I'm going to hit the bathroom." I yelled to Trinity, she nodded and sipped her drink.  

The bathroom was half way across the room, so it was a feat when I finally made it to the doors. As I opened the door smoke flowed out, it was a mixture of what smelled like weed and cigarettes. The bathroom was as packed as the dance floor, there were even people sitting on the floor, just passing joints around. I squeezed in front of a mirror and looked at myself, I was covered in sweat and my brightly colored makeup was smearing down my face. I grabbed a couple paper towels and touched it up. That's better, I thought to myself, as I ran my fingers through my thick pastel pink hair. 

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