Chapter Five: Gun Fever

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*Lola's POV*

Stretching my arms and legs out I opened my eyes, the room was dimly lit with the sun's rays peeking through the beige curtains. I turned on my side; the sheets next to me were ruffled and spread about from the body that laid next to mine. Reaching across, I grabbed my reds from the nightstand and lit one. Last night was amazing; James and I making out in the pool, our naked bodies touching and his tongue tasting like the weed we had just inhaled. We snuck away to his room when Trinity, Logan and Vixen started going at it. Laying there talking about random shit until I passed out because my high wore off; The thought of us getting closer made me smile.

I got out of bed, still wearing only my shirt and panties, and headed toward the hallway. The house was still quiet as I made my way downstairs. Where is everyone? I walked outside to the pool and saw Vixen and Marcy sleeping on a couple of the chairs, Marcy was still naked so I put a towel over her. I jumped a little, hearing a buzzing sound. Marcy's phone lit up, I couldn't help but look at it; 10 Missed calls: Paul <3. Oh shit, Marcy's in trouble.

"Hey sexy, want something to eat?" I turned to see James standing next to the pool, he looked hot as shit in just his red boxer briefs with bedhead.

"Hell yeah, what ya cookin'?" I ran and jumped on him. He caught me in his arms and carried me into the kitchen. The smell of coffee and pancakes rushed my nose. It was already 1 in the afternoon, but it's never too late for breakfast! "Smells good babe!"

We sat and ate, the girls woke up and joined us one by one.

"So, last night was pretty crazy huh guys?" I laughed.

"Yeah man, it was fun as shit though." Trinity winked, "How you feeling though Marc?" We all looked at Marcy.

"My head is killing me and I have like 10 missed calls from Paul, He's going to freak out. Other than that, I had a lot of fun." She took out her phone and looked at it, contemplating calling Paul back. "I'll be back" She said quietly and took her phone around the corner.

"Shit man. What the hell are we going to do now?" Vixen said between bites of bacon.

Logan joined us at the table, grabbing a plate stacked high with pancakes.

"Well I have some shit going on tonight, if you ladies wanted to join me." He answered, before scarfing down all the food on his plate.

"Sounds good to me!" I smiled, looking over at James.

"We were supposed to dance tonight, but fuck it. I'll call out, what do you think Vix?" Trinity punched Vixen in the arm and they both started laughing, Vixen nodding in agreement.

I wonder what kind of shit Logan is getting into today. We haven't really ever done anything too bad, I mean sure a little stealing here and there; when we were in high school Vixen and I used to steal wine from grocery stores. And sure we fucked a lot and did all kinds of drugs, but that never really hurt anyone but ourselves and we've never really been in danger.

Marcy interrupted my thoughts as she ran into me walking back from her phone call. There were tears in her eyes. "What happened babe?" I asked, taking her arm and pulling her into the living room to sit on the couch so we could talk in private.

"Paul is so upset. He was all like why the hell didn't you tell me what you were doing or where you were going, you could have at least texted. Then he was telling me how worried about me he was. I mean, I'm glad he cares about me and all but he doesn't need to flip the fuck out, I'm a grown woman. After he was done yelling, he got all sad, like I'm sorry, but it was your first night as a stripper, what if you went home with someone else or what if you got stabbed or something. That's when he got me mad, just because I'm a stripper doesn't mean I'm going to go cheat on him. Anyway, I told him I needed some time to think. He wasn't happy that I smoked and got so drunk either, but I had tons of fun, so I don't know what to do." She wiped the tears from her eyes and I hugged her.

Panther SistersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora