Chapter Seven: Gone

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*Trinity's POV*

We sat around the living room, chatting with excitement about what had happened at the warehouse. Vixen had wrapped her arm up and was feeling better, thanks to the help of some percs Logan had. The guys carried in all the coke and electronics. The coffee table was covered.

"Damn, look at this!" I couldn't believe all the shit we had gotten away with.

The guys joined us when they finished unloading. "Good job ladies! Look at all our shit." Logan gushed.

"Hey, do you think we could, uh, try some?" Lola was looking at one of the bags of white powder.

"Hell yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about." James answered, nudging her shoulder. He left the room, returning a minute later with a razor blade and a dollar bill. Logan opened a bag, a strange odor filling the room. I was jumping on the inside, adrenaline still rushed my body. I'd never done coke before, I wonder how it'll be.

Logan dumped a small pile on the table and James proceeded to cut 6 lines, they were long and fat. Oh shit, here we go.

"You all done this before? Just hold the dollar under one nostril, then plug the other with your finger and follow the line." He put his face to the table and inhaled the first line he had made. "Easy." James passed the dollar to Lola and we went around, all taking a line.

"Ow! It kind of burns." Marcy sniffled as she took the last line. James cut 6 more, we passed the dollar around; each inhaling the bitter sweet white powder. We'd decided that two was enough and put the remainder of the pile into a little baggie to keep for ourselves.

Logan turned some music on and grabbed a bottle of Patron. After taking shots, we were all going crazy.

I walked over to Logan, who was standing in front of the couch and pushed him back. I climbed on top, spreading my legs to straddle him. I bounced up and down, circling my hips on his crotch. My hands were running up and down his torso. He just smiled, his golden tooth shining in the light. I snapped my head side to side, then in circles; my hair whipping wildly. His hands raised as he took hold of my ass. I bent forward, shaking my breasts in his face; they were moist from his tongue running between them.

"You are so fucking sexy" He whispered in my ear before nipping on it; a lighting bolt striking between my legs. Kissing his neck, I climbed off. There's nothing more fun than being a tease, I'll finish him off later. Smiling, I walked to where the girls were dancing in the middle of the floor and joined them.

We danced forever, it felt so nice. The buzz from the alcohol, the high from the coke, and the rush from the robbery; I had never felt so alive, so ready to do anything.

Marcy sat on the couch, taking more shots. I left the warmth of the 'dance floor' and joined her side. "What's up boo?" I poured two shots.

"Paul keeps texting me. He wants to come talk." Her voice was low, she dumped the patron down her throat, then poured another shot.

"Well tell him to come talk. Just meet him outside or something." I took my shot, the burn of it making me cringe. I smiled and gave her a hug before joining Vixen in dancing again. Lola and James had made their way to a chair and were making out, their tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths. "Get it girl!" I yelled to her. Logan made his way in between me and Vixen, I was grinding on his back end, her on his front.

The door bell rang and we stopped dancing as a group of people walked in. Well, stumbled in; they looked wasted. There was a good looking guy, two other okay guys, and then two hooker dressed girls. I was uninterested and started pouring myself a shot.

"We're here Logan! Let's get fucked up!" The good looking one yelled, entering the living room. The girls were carrying bottles of liquor, one Smirnoff and one Jack.

"This is Keegan and" Logan introduced the members of the group that had just entered the house. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my shot, not worried about getting to know this group of degenerates.

*Marcy's POV*

We were up all night, people were finally starting to fall asleep as the sun came up. I told Paul to come talk, giving him the address. I'm still fucked up, but I don't care. The taste of Patron lingered in my mouth. I was glad no one was going to be awake to ask me about Paul.

My phone buzzed, I'm here is all the text read. I walked onto the front porch, the rising sun reminding me how beautiful life can be. Paul got out of his car, looking gorgeous in the early morning light. He gave a small smile and sat beside me on the porch.

"Hey babe" He said, I wasn't looking at him but could feel him staring at me. I hope he doesn't smell the alcohol.

"Hey." I paused. "So what's up?" This was going to be awkward.

"I just miss you. You haven't been talking to me lately, hanging around with people you hardly know." His voice sounded sad, I've never seen him this way before. I couldn't think of what to say, my mind was buzzing from the coke and Patron. I stared at the pavement in front of us, trying to collect my thoughts. "Are you messed up?" He was still staring at me.

I turned to face him, "Maybe I am. But so what! Big deal, people do this all the time. I'm just having fun." Anger flooded my veins. "Why do you have to be such a pussy?" I don't know why, but I was laughing.

"What has gotten into you?! This isn't you!" He yelled, standing up.

I jerked up from my spot on the porch, "You don't fucking know me! I'm changing, growing out of you! I'm bigger and better than you'll ever be!" I spat, yelling in his face. I had never been the confrontational type.

"Just get the fuck out of here!" I was crying, every emotion running through me. I don't know what to feel and honestly I didn't want to feel anything right now.

Just as he started to say something a red mustang raced in front of the house, a gun pointing out the passenger window. I reacted as fast as I could and jumped into the bushes by the porch. I landed hard on some sticks and prickly things. OUCH. There were gun shots, like 10. I couldn't see anything through the thick bushes. I squeezed my eyes shut tight until I heard the tires squeal as the car sped off. I slowly climbed out of the bushes, scratched and bruised all over. Paul!

Turning towards the porch I saw it, Paul's innocent body laying there. Arms and legs limp, his face expressionless. Tears rushed down my face, I shook with sadness. Everything seemed to blur away as I kneeled next to him, His body hard. I kissed his cheek, laying my head on his and crying. There was nothing else I could do. I don't know how much time had passed, it felt like ages, but Logan and James rushed out the front door. Logan was holding one of his glocks.

"What the fuck is going on?" He screamed. Then I heard his voice quiet and sweet, "Shit."

I felt strong hands grab my arm.

"Come here babe." Logan pulled me to his chest, I felt safe. I was still crying, there was no stopping it. I was an endless waterfall. He rubbed my back and shushed in my ear. My body calmed, I was catching my breath again.

Logan took me inside and laid me in his bed. It was warm and soft, I cuddled up with the blankets and fell into a deep sleep; all the thoughts of tonight slipping away from me.

I woke up to the girls sitting around me on the bed. "Babe, Logan told us what happened." Lola said, sympathy in her voice. Memories of last night rushed through my head, I felt like I was going to puke.

"Oh." I couldn't speak, I was scared and heart broken.

Vixen's voice was quiet and sweet, "We're here for you, when you're ready." She kissed my head. "Let's give her some space girls." And they left.

I rolled around the bed trying to grasp what had happened last night. Paul got shot, it was a drive by. He was here and now he's gone, forever! The last thing I said to him was that he needed to get out of here, what the fuck is wrong with me! Who could have done this? Those guys we robbed? Shit, my mind just replayed last night over and over. I was lucky to be alive but here I am wishing I wasn't. It should have been me, not Paul. He had nothing to do with it. Tears filled my eyes, my body aching. I can't believe this shit.

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