Chapter 4

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Sara's POV

Tonight's my date with Tré. I get up take a shower and pick out my clothes. I pick out black skinny jeans and the "Cheap Trick" shirt that Billie left me. After I get dressed I walk out of my room and into the kitchen, Billie sits at the table by himself writing lyrics. I sit down at the table and he doesn't look up. "Hi..." I say. I wave my hand in front of his face, "oh hi, sorry I didn't see you there." " Tré here? " "nope Mike and him went out, so we have the house to ourselves." He says smiling. I roll my eyes and grab the lyrics he was writing away from him.


Billies POV

I didn't want her to read the lyrics it was kinda embarrassing. "Whose Gloria?" She says. "Someone I made whatsername." I didn't want to tell her about Amanda, she was long gone anyway. I pull out a cigarette and light it up. "Want some weed?" I ask her. "No...I'm okay....y'know i don't want to tell you what to do shouldn't smoke that."


Tres POV

Mike and I walk in the kitchen as Billie and Sara sit at the table talking. "Hey...ready to see that movie?" She looks down and try's not to make eye contact with Billie for some reason. But he's ignoring everything around him anyway. "Yea let me just grab my jacket."


Mikes POV

I follow Sara to her room. "What's going on?" "What do you mean?" She asks."You seemed like you were avoiding Billie or something...I don't know it just seemed like something was going on." She looks at the floor then back up at me. "We'll nothing's going on, I'm really...just fine Mike." She pushes past me and goes back into the kitchen. Something weird is going on, I know it.


Sara's POV

I get in the car with Tré, as we pull away Mike stands in the door way watching. He knows something is up. We go see "Saw", it's good i guess but I couldn't really focus on the movie, I kept thinking about what would happen if they found out and Tré kept putting his arm around me which made me nervous.


Trés POV

I could tell I made her nervous, I thought that was kinda cute. After the movie we go back to the house. The guys were out so Sara and I go down to the studio in the basement. I sit down at my drums, "do you want to bang around a little?" She looks at me disgusted."This is are first date! Wh--you meant on the drums didnt you?" I laugh and shake my head yes. She's so embarrassed "I can't believe i just did that..." She says covering her face. I get up take her hand and lead her to the drums. "It's okay." I say kissing her cheek.


Billies POV

When we walk into the house I can hear drumming. Mike and I go down to the basement and find Sara pounding away on the drums. Tré walks over to us,"she's not bad, right?!" I watch in amazement as she plays "Jesus of Suburbia" this girl was something else.


Mikes POV

After she finished Billie walked upstairs to answer the phone. "Thanks Tré, for the movie and the drums" Sara says running up the stairs. I follow her and grab her arm when we reach the top. "Did something happen?" "No, why?" "We'll you seemed to be having fun until Billie and I walked in..." "I'm just tired Mike." Billie shushes us as he's on the phone. After a few minutes he drops the phone and starts crying.


Sara's POV

We run over to Billie, "what's wrong?" "My mom..." He pushes me away and runs into his room. I want to go check on him mike thinks we should leave him alone until he's ready to talk. "You don't think he needs someone to comfort him right now?" Mike shakes his head "he did the same thing when his father died. I'm sure he'll be fine."


Billies POV

I can't believe my mom is dead, I just saw her a couple weeks ago and she was fine. I don't want to leave my room, I want to write a song for her, but I can't think of anything. I close my eyes and think back to the day of my fathers funeral. I ran out of the funeral, all the way home, and locked myself in my room. When my mom came to check on my I said "Wake Me Up When September Ends."


Sara's POV

"How do you know she died? He didn't say that." I say to mike. "What else would upset him that much." I guess he was right. "We'll I have to check on him...I don't care what you say." I leave mike in the kitchen and knock on Billies answer. I try agin and agin but he won't answer so I just let myself in hoping he won't get mad at me. He sits on the floor in front of his bed, with his head in his hands. I sit down next to him and put my arm around his back, he puts his hand on my wrist and won't let go. "My moms dead." He cries.


Mikes POV

I can't believe he didn't flip out and shove her out of the room. He didn't even want to talk to me when his father died. Tré comes up from the basement, "what's going on?" "Billies mom died...Sara's checking on him" I was hoping Tré would go after her, get her out of there before something happened but he was clueless.


Billies POV

I was glad Sara was there to comfort me. I couldn't stop crying. She helps me up off the floor and into my bed. She turns off the lights and get ready to leave. "Wait...can you stay with me" she closes the door behind her and gets into bed with me.


Sara's POV

"Your the only one that gets what I'm going threw right now." He says rapping his arms around me. "I'm still going threw it..." He pulls me closer and kisses me, this sounds crazy, but I can feel all his pain in that kiss. We start making out, he pushes me away and says "do you want too?" he's serious! "yea." i start taking off my clothes as he takes off his. We get under the covers together.


Mikes POV

She's been in there so long...I'm starting to think her slut side is shining threw and their doing it right now, I'm probably just being paranoid. Tré and I watch a movie and wait for Sara to come out. We both fall asleep and I wake up a couple hours later. I get up off the couch and peek into Sara's room, but she's not there. I close her door and she comes out of Billies room. Her hairs a mess and her shirts on backwards. " Billie ok?"


Sara's POV

"Yea..I guess, it's just hard losing a parent." Mike shake his head "why is your shirt on backwards?" I look down and notice the tag in the front of my shirt. Shit. "Is it..ha I didn't notice." I try to push past him but he corners me. "Did you just sleep with Billie?" I don't answer him because I know he knows he's right. "Seriously?! You just went on a date with Tré!" I decide to tell him what his girlfriend told me, I know it might ruin his relationship but he needs to know. "I'm comparing the two..." He looks at me "eww, why would you even do that?! Just pick one." He starts walking away. "We'll your girlfriends the one who suggested it." He turns around "your lying...why would she tell you to do that?! Unless she did it..."

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