Chapter 12

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Franks POV

Gerard is so depressed, I think it's even worse than before. "Don't you want to do anything?" I ask he lays his head in my lap "no..." I run my fingers threw his hair and he closes his eyes.


Gerard's POV

I love having Frank here, but I miss Sara so much...Im getting suicidal agin. As frank runs his fingers threw my hair I close my eyes and breath a sigh of relief, for that one second the world seems perfect. I could stay like this forever.


Billies POV

I get home, grab a beer and sit outside drinking and have a smoke. I start thinking about Sara, and how we met. The I remember her friend that died...her name was Amy too. That's probably just a coincidence...but it might be a sign. I should do the right thing and be there for Amanda, I did get us into this, but why did she wait 5 years to tell me about her?


Amanda's POV

Billie seemed really upset when he stormed out of the hospital, I said I'd call him tomorrow but I'm gonna check on him now. When he picks up the phone he sounds like he was crying, I hate him being so down. "Hey, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, you seemed upset when you left the hospital." "I'm...really not okay." I hear him sniffle in the background "but Im glad you called, I want to try to be in Amy's life as much as I possibly can." "That's great! Well stop by tomorrow."


Mikes POV

Billie hangs up the phone as I sit down next to him. "I'm a father mike." He says burying his face in his hands. "What? What are you talking about?" He tells me the whole story about Amanda and how he got her knocked up, and now he has a daughter. "Her names Amy and she's 5 years old..." I can't believe that, he's been a father for 5 years and never even knew it!


Gerard's POV

Franks staying the night agin, he said he doesn't want to leave me when I'm like this. I know he means when I'm suicidal, he was there for me before and he wants to be here for me now. I think about drinking, but I know frank wouldn't let me. The couch starts hurting my back "I'm gonna go lay upstairs in my bed."


Franks POV

"Okay." I watch Gee walk up the stairs and i have a sudden fear of leaving him alone, then I think I'm being stupid and stay downstairs. I try to fall asleep but I keep thinking about Gee...I don't want him to be alone. I walk upstairs and go into his room. He sleeping, but I don't want to wake him. I slip under the covers and put my arms around him, he wakes up, puts his hand on mine and slides back into me.


Trés POV

I've been hiding in my room feeling sorry for myself but I just found out what billies been going threw, Jesus, he's had it so hard. Amanda comes over with Amy,Billie picks her up and points to me and mike "these are your uncles. This is uncle mike and this is uncle Tré." He puts her down "Amanda and I need to talk, can you guys watch her?" "Yea" mike says picking her up.


Mikes POV

Amanda an Billie go to talk and Tré and I watch Amy. Brittany walks through the front door "Mike, whose this?!" "This is Amy, Billies daughter." "Billies daughter? I didn't know he knocked up anyone." I tell Tré to take Amy into the kitchen so Britt and I can talk.


Amanda's POV

"Why did you wait so long to tell me about her?" "You were becoming so famous Billie! I didn't want to bring you down and take you away from your career." He gets out of his chair and gets on one knee, and takes my hand. What the fuck is he doing? "You wouldn't have..." He goes into his pocket and pulls out a box, he gets ready to open it and I stop him...what do i say now?


Billies POV

She stops me as I start to open the box. "Billie, stop." "Why? I'm trying to do the right thing here." "I know...but I don't need you to marry me and I don't want to get married. I just wanted you to know that Amy existed and is your daughter." I don't know what to say. I put the ring back in my pocket, the ring that was always meant for Sara... "And you just lost the love of your life. I couldn't ask you to forget about her."


Trés POV

What am i supposed to do with the kid? I have an idea. I set up pots and pans and let her bang around on them, who knows maybe she could be a drummer, that's how I started. Everyone gathers into the kitchen and watches as Amy bangs at the pots and pans. Billie smiles for a split second then excuses himself. "I'm gonna go check on him." Mike says.


Mikes POV

I go after Billie, he's standing in the backyard crying...that seems to be all he does lately. "Dude, you okay?" "Yea...I will be. Seeing Amy pounding on the pans like that made me think of Sara playing the drums..." I remember that night like it was yesterday. I pat his back "it will be okay."


Franks POV

When I wake up Gerard's fingers are intertwined with mine. He's so peaceful when he sleeps, I look over every inch of his body and notice his scars. I remember when he used to cut, I think I really helped pull him out of his depression...we kinda had a relationship, maybe I can save him agin.


Gerard's POV

I wake up and look into franks eyes. "Good Morning" he smiles. I grab him by the neck and kiss him. I can tell he's surprised, "what was that for?" He says. "To show you how much I love you." I say.


Amanda's POV

I watch Mike and Billie talk in the backyard, I look and Billie, then back at Amy. Maybe I'm doing the wrong thing...he doesn't need this right now. "Tré, can you tell Billie I had to leave?" He looks at me confused as I pick Amy up off the floor and rush out the door.


Trés POV

What the hell was that about? Amanda gets in her car and pulls away as Billie comes back in the house. "Where's Amanda?" He asks. "She just left!" "Where did she go?" "I don't know she just took off, I'm so sorry man." He try's to tackle me but Mike stops him "why didn't you stop her!" He yells.


Mikes POV

I hold Billie back by the arms "calm down Bill" I yell. "No! Why didn't you try to stop her Tré?" "She was too fast I'm sorry." Billie pulls his arms free "I'm fine" he says."And think about it, aren't you better off without her and the kid?" Tré says. Billie ignores all his anger and walks away.


Billies POV

I walk into my room, slam the door behind me and fall face first on to my pillow. I lay on my bed screaming into the pillow. My screams turn into tears, I need some time to clear my head...maybe ill take a shower. I get in and let the water wash over me, the water mixes with my tears. I get out, dry off and search threw my closet for a shirt to put on. I move one shirt to find my "Cheap Trick" shirt, I pull it out and smell still smells like Sara. (AN:Sorry If that creeps anyone out lol)

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