Chapter 7

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Sara's POV

The next morning i wake up and realize that I screwed everything up, I was already depressed from losing my best friend and my parents and now I lost one of the two people who really helped me push threw that hard time and actually be happy. I hate myself so much....I think I'm going to end it all. I could die anyway. As I'm walking to the bathroom I pass Tré in the hallway, he doesn't even look at me. That ended all of my decision making, Im ending this pain right now! I take the razor blade out of my pencil sharpener and go into the bathroom. I go threw the medicine cabinet and take out a bottle of pain killers, just in case I feel like the cutting isn't enough. I take the razor blade and start to cut my left wrist, when the bathroom door opens. I let the razor fall to the ground and hide my wrist behind my back.


Mikes POV

"Sorry! I thought Billie came in here, I wanted-" I look at the ground and see a blood covered razor at Sara's feet. "What's that?" I ask "what's what?" I pick the razor up of the floor. "Oh that..." She says. "Let me see your wrist." She shakes her head no. "Let me see them!" I grab both of her wrist and sure enough one of them is half cut. I shut the door behind me and Sara sits down on the closed toilet. I notice the pain killers on the sink and realize that she wasn't just cutting. She keeps her face covered, I kneel down face to face with her and move her hands away to see tears. "Why?" I ask.


Sara's POV

"Why?! Because my life fucking sucks mike! That's why. I mean how much worse could it get! First my best friend dies, then my parents die, and then I get cancer and make one mistake...and that mistake cost me one of the most amazing people I've ever met." Mike wipes the blood off my wrist and brushes my hair behind my ear. "I have to confess something to you...but before I do you should just know that I did it to get back at Brittany and because I find you attractive" he's freaking me out now. "Ok, just tell me." "I did rape you."


Sara's POV

oh my god, "don't be mad" he says. I try to be mad, i should be, but I have a hard time. I mean what does it even matter. "I'm not, I don't even care at this point." He hugs me and keeps saying how sorry he is. I push him away. "can you just take me to chemo?"


Mikes POV

"Yea of course." As she gets up i notice scars under her shorts, i don't say anything but i can tell shes been cutting for awhile. We get in my car and drive to the hospital. I sit with her while she gets the chemo, we listen to music on her mp3 player together. "How does it feel?" I ask her. "Pretty bad..." I look at her legs agin and see more cuts on each leg and some on her arms. She catches me looking and pulls her shorts down to cover them.


Trés POV

I hear a car pull up, mike gets out and so does Sara. Sara runs next door and mike enters the house. "Hey, where were you guys?" "She had to go to chemo. And now she's hanging out with Gerard." He says. "Gerard who?" "Gerard Way he's are new neighbor." "Oh, she's probably sleeping with him too." "Tré just stop! So what if she is?! She deserves to have fun and feel loved before she dies."


Sara's POV

On the drive home I hoped that mike wouldn't try to talk to me about my scars, he shouldn't care. After chemo I decide to visit Gerard. I run out of the car and knock on his door and he lets me in. "You want some coffee, or water?" He asks. "No, thanks. I just wanted to see you."


Gerard's POV

She wanted to see me?! I don't even know what to say. "Do you want to talk about anything?" Smooth Gee, real smooth. "Yea I guess, I just got done with my first chemotherapy." She says. "Oh really? What's that like?" I say grabbing a pad of paper and a pen. She laughs "what are you my fucking therapist now?" "If you want me to be..." She lays down on the couch like I'm a shrink and she starts talking about her feelings and stuff, little does she know I'm actually writing her a song.


Sara's POV

Gerard is so amazing for listening to me, I tell him about the hole thing with Billie and Tré and he doesn't judge me for one second. I soon run out of things to talk about so Gerard and I sit out in his back yard and listen to music. He sits down next to me and puts his arm around me.weird. I look around the back yard. I see a hanging plant with the name "EARL" on the side. I laugh "you named your plant earl?" "Yea! He's clearly an earl." "Clearly!" We laugh and our eyes meet. We share a moment and he kisses me.


Gerard's POV

I just kissed her! I don't know what came over me! "I'm so sorry." I say turning away in embarrassment, she touches my cheek and turns my head back towards her "don't be." She kisses me back and we keep on kissing until someone is calling for her.


Sara's POV

Shit, that's Billie. He comes running into the back yard and Gerard moves away from me. "Hey, I was looking for you!" He says. Gerard stands up and holds out his hand "hey I'm Gerard." "Oh yea the singer." "Yea, my band was really inspired by you." "Yea, My Chemical Romance right?" "Yea! I can't believe you've heard of us." Gerard and Billie talk for a while then I go home with him.


Billies POV

We start walking back home, "Gerard seems really cool." "Yea he is." She says smiling. When we get home she's really tired from the chemo, she lays in bed with me. In the middle of the night she jumps up out of bed and runs into the bathroom that's in my room. I hear her throwing up, she comes back to bed crying. I hold her as we lay in bed together.Shes a reck, crying so hard that shes shaking. "Are you still gonna love me when i loose all my hair?" She says threw her tears."Of course I will."

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