Chapter 8

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Sara's POV

I feel better after Billie says that and I fall asleep on his chest. I wake up the next day and nobody's home. I get out of bed and get ready for the day, I have to go to chemo soon, I really don't want too. It gets closer to the time of my appointment and Billie and the guys are still gone, I can't drive. Maybe Gerard can take me. I run next door and knock on the door, no answer. How the hell am I supposed to get to chemo! I run back in the house and see Tré eating cereal in the kitchen.


Trés POV

Sara comes running into the house and see's me. Shit. "Hey Tré." She sits down in the chair across from me and I keep my eyes on the bowl of cereal in front of me. "Listen...I know you hate me and don't want to talk to me or look at me but, I have to be at the hospital for chemo in like 3 minutes." Shit, I can't leave her like that. I guess I'm just gonna have to man up and talk to her.


Sara's POV

"Ok, I'll get my keys." I can't believe he talked to me! I hug him and say "thank you." I get in the car with Tré, we sit in complete silence and I try to talk to Tré. "So, how are you?" He won't answer he just keeps his gaze on the road. I look out the window and try not to think about the fact that I messed this relationship up.


Trés POV

When we get to the hospital I think about dropping her off an leaving her there but I just can't. I go in with her and sit with her as she gets the chemo done. I hope she doesn't think things are better between us now. "Y'know just because I brought you here don't think for one second that anything has changed between us."


Sara's POV

I couldn't believe the anger on his face when he said that, I didn't know that I hurt him that bad. "Yea...ok Tré" after that I can't wait to get the hell out of there.


Billies POV

Mike and I come home and I notice Sara and Tré are gone. "That's weird, where do you think they went?" Mike says. "I don't know." I hope with all my heart that nothing happened between them. A few moments later Sara comes running threw the door bawling her eyes out and locks her self in her room. Tré walks in and closes the door behind him.


Trés POV

"What the hell did you do?" Billie yells pointing towards Sara's room. "nothing! I took her to chemo cause she had to go and said that just because I took her didn't mean that things were better between us." I didn't tell him that on the drive home I told her that she was a slut that cuts, he would have killed me. "Why would you do that! Tré she feels really bad about what she did, you should just forgive her, she's dying for god sakes!"


Sara's POV

I keep re-playing the whole thing over in my head. Before I got out of the car Tré lifted up the leg of my shorts and said "your a slut that cuts..." I know I hurt him but he just hurt me more and added to my cuts. I go into the bathroom in my room and start cutting my leg. I watch the blood drizzle down my leg and hit the floor.


Mikes POV

Billie wants to talk to Tré so he asks me to check on Sara. I knock on her door but she won't answer. "Go away." She shouts. I let my self in, the lights are off and the room is pitch black. I find my way to her bedside table and turn on her lamp. She covers her eyes and I notice medical tape and tissues around her arm and leg. There's a lot of blood coming from her leg, I put pressure on it with a tissue and try to stop the bleeding as she cries.

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