Chapter 5

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Brittany's POV

Mike calls me yelling at me about what I told Sara to do. "Why would you tell her to do that! That's something a slut does." He yells threw the phone." We'll that's how I picked you." He doesn't say anything, but I can hear him breathing on the other line.


Mikes POV

She did that?! Who was the other guy? "Mike?" I hang up the phone and turn around to Sara standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "Yea?" "Your not gonna tell them right? It would kill them..." "No, I won't" I wanted to get even with Brittany. She cheated on me and now I was going to cheat on her. I slowly walk over to Sara, put my hand on the back of her head, and kiss her. She starts pushing me away but I pull her closer. She gets in one good punch to my stomach that makes me release her. "What the hell?!" She screams.


Sara's POV

I push mike off of me and run into his room. He follows me and closes the door behind him, I'm scared of what he might do. He grabs my arm and slams my head on the edge of the bed side table. I feel blood trickle down the side of my head and I black out. When I wake up I'm lying in bed half to Mike whose asleep. I start crying and cover my mouth so he doesn't hear...did he rape me?! Why would he do that to me...


Billies POV

I hear the sink running in bathroom as I walk out of my room. Sara's washing off dried blood on her forehead while crying . "Are you ok?! What happened?" She won't look at me. "I tripped head first into my bedside table. It's no big deal." I help her clean the cut then start walking back to my room when Sara stops me. "Billie, can I sleep with you? I don't want be alone right now."


Sara's POV

I spend the night with Billie and wake up around 12. I leave Billies room and walk into the kitchen, Mike sits at the table drinking coffee and reading the paper. I start to back away when he notices me. "Hey, are you ok?" He says. "Are you kidding me?! Am I ok?!"I cry. He gets up and starts walking towards me, I grab a knife off the counter and aim it towards him.


Mikes POV

I put my hands in the air and slowly walk towards her "whoa, what do you think i did?!" She shakily keeps the knife pointed at me. "You raped me last night!" I get her to slowly lower the knife. "I didn't...ok...I don't know what you think happened, but I didn't rape you. So just give me this." I say taking the knife from her hands. I sit her down and explain to her that I was trying to get her to calm down after i kissed her and accidentally knocked her down and into my night stand. Then after she passed out I just put her in bed with me.


Sara's POV

"I don't believe you." i say to Mike. "What don't you believe?" A voice says behind me.I sit up and wipe my face with my sleeve, turn around and notice it's Billie-shit I need a lie and fast..."That American Idiots going to be on broadway!" He looks at me like I'm crazy. "We didn't talk about that yet...but that sounds awesome." He leaves the kitchen.


Mikes POV

"I wouldn't have raped you, I'm not that kinda guy, and besides you slept with Billie. I don't want his seconds." I Whisper. She looks me up and down, deciding if she should trust me. "Ok fine you didn't rape me...and just to be clear, sex with Billie was sympathy sex nothing more." She goes into her room and I go to talk to Billie about his mother.


Billies POV

Mike sits down next to me on the couch. "Hey man, how you holding up?" He says. "Okay, I guess, I just can't believe she's gone...its sad, I kinda feel like I didn't know her that well." "I get it man." He says. "No you don't Mike." He gets up from the couch and starts yelling at me "I don't get it? My mom gave me up for adoption Billie! Then i finally meet her and she dies the next month...yet I don't get it." He says storming out of the room.


Sara's POV

I still don't believe mike, he had to of raped me...when I woke up I was half naked. And I have scars on my arms that look like someone squeezed my wrists. Maybe I'm just over thinking it...what mike said did sound like it could have happened.


Tre and I have gotten closer! We kinda slept together...but I know this next part has nothing to do with him.

I missed my period...I keep throwing up...I have back pain, night sweats and I'm so tired, I know those are signs of pregnancy but I just can't be pregnant...not me.


Brittany's POV

My phone's Sara, why is she calling me. "Brittany! I need your help.I think I'm pregnant." Shit. "Ok...just calm down, ill run to the store and get a pregnancy tests. It's going to be ok." When I get to the house with the test shes freaking out. She takes it, we wait and it turns out she's not. "What's going on with me then?" She says crying. I hug her "I don't know, but ill take you to the doctors tomorrow."


Mikes POV

I go into the bathroom and see a pregnancy test in the garbage. Shit. Did I get her pregnant! I lied to her face and told her I didn't rape her. I feel terrible. But I was just getting back at britt, and what happens when the baby comes out looking like me and not Billie! I knock on her door and open it. "Hey...I saw a pregnancy test in the garbage-" "yea don't worry it was just a scare." I'm off the hook!


Sara's POV

Brittany takes me to the doctors the next day and I tell him about my symptoms. He decides to run some test, hours go by and he still doesn't see a problem. He runs the test agin and calls Brittany and I back into his office. He sits us down and pulls up my MRI on his computer. "Well, if we look on your MRI, you see this object that's spreading down your spinal column? That is a massive schwannoma neurofibrosarcoma." "I'm sorry what...what's is that?" I ask. "It's a tumor." "A tumor..." "Your cancer is actually a rare case of a gene mutation..." After that I don't hear much, all I can think about is dying.


Brittany's POV

oh my god this poor girl! She's loosing everything, she might loose her life. After he says tumor she pretty much blocks out the rest of the world. "So how is she going to beat this?" I ask the doctor. "We'll, before we can think about surgery she has to go threw chemotherapy." "But she's going to okay right?" "Survival rate of this cancer is 50/50 so she could live threw it."


Mikes POV

The next day when i wake up theres a note on the kitchen counter saying that the girls went out. I hear a truck outside and peek out of the curtains. Someone's moving in, he's kinda short, and has black hair. The girls pull up outside and Sara runs out of the car, into the house, and right out the back into the back yard. "What's up with her?" I ask Brittany. "She has cancer."


Gerard's POV

After I finish bringing in boxes, I put on a pot of coffee,and grab a cup. I walk out into the back yard and sit down on the stairs in front of the door. I take a sip of coffee and light up a cigarette. I hear crying, but I don't know where it's coming from. I look around and when I turn my head to the yard to the left of me I see a girl sitting on the ground of the patio crying with her knees to her chest.

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