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Stupid, stupid, stupid, I cursed

myself. I hauled myself off the pavement of a dead-end alley, turned and scampered up the wall. I had been only about five minutes

away from the airport when I had the vision, so I had to move. I came onto a long stretch of road, a deserted highway. I glanced behind

me, and saw Edward running about 1/4 mile behind me. I didn't see the others. This worried me. I scrambled up a tree, then started as

it jolted and trembled, and began to fall. It was being pushed over. I reached the end of the tree and leapt, high, high in the air, landing

without a sound. I stole a look over my shoulder. Edward had gained on me considerably, and Jasper was not far behind him. On the

side of the road, not to far from the edge, was a tall silver building that looked like it should be in the middle of the city, not a deserted

country highway like this. Whatever. I ran up the side. My attackers followed. Scrabbling up the exterior, window sill to window sill,

balcony to balcony. I had been climbing for about seven seconds, and I was on the 60th floor. Edward was on the 56th, Jasper on the

52nd. Shit. Shit, shit, shit,,shit. As I reached the top of the building, I swung myself up and over it, my legs acting like it was a hurdle.

As I reached the far side I threw myself over it and landed softly on the run down houses behind it, hopping from one to the next.

Behind those houses was a large wood area, like a rainforest or something. This was a really weird place. I hopped lightly off the last

house and bolted into the trees. I didn't know what my plan was, I wasn't even sure if I had one. Running was the only thing I could

think of. The reason I didn't just stop and explain was that, now they thought me a murderer, they might not give me a chance to do

anything. They'd just kill me on the spot, without a second thought.

Why wasn't the mind reader picking all this up? Maybe he was. He probably thought I was lying. Trying to convince him that I was

innocent. The only flaw in that plan was that I was.

Dodging and weaving around trees, ducking under vines, I saw in the distance the shimmer of

water. As I neared the water, I noticed that behind me had gone strangely silent. I leapt easily over

the lake, landed lightly and kept running. As I did so, I almost careered into Alice, Rosalie and

Emmett, who had dropped from the trees. As it was, I stopped myself with a terrified yelp, did a

weird sort of pirouette thing, and tried to leap back across the lake. But three quarters of the way

across, Carlisle followed, grabbed me and slammed me down onto the bank below. He slammed

me so hard that my chest cracked and the ground beneath me crumbled. I tried to get up, but

Rosalie forced me into a kneeling position, Emmett grabbed my head and Jasper wrenched my

hands behind my back. If I tried anything clever, I would be torn apart. Emmett's' hold on me was

so tight that if I was human, I would be soup. The others appeared somewhere to my left and out

of my vision. Carlisle stepped into my line of vision. He stared at me for about ten seconds, then


'What's your name?'

'Bree,' I said, confused.

'Well, Bree,' he crouched down to my level, 'we have some questions for you.'


To be continued.

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