Breaking Dawn - Part two

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'Where's Renesmee?' These were the first words that vampire-Bella ever uttered to me. I shrugged


'Downstairs. Rosalie and Jacob are sharing her.' I laughed. 'They're enjoying that.'

'I have to go see her.' Bella made for the stairs, but Edward stopped her.

'You have to get your thirst under control.'

She grimaced for the first time as she noticed the burning sensation that made her throat feel like

it was on fire. She rubbed ger throat.

'Yeah, you need to hunt.' Edward turned to the others.

'We'll be back soon.' And with that, they were off through the window and into the woods.

I groaned, bored beyond belief, and wandered downstairs, stopping only when Jacob glared at me

and blocked my path.

'Where do you think you're going?'

'Sorry,' I sighed. I still hadn't been deemed controlled enough to be let near the kid. I'd only seen

her from a distance, and even that had venom pooling in my mouth.

I was getting better at being tolerant of humans, and I might actually be able to go to school in a

couple of months. Not here, though - we would be long gone by then.

I noticed Edward and Bella coming back, and a split second I was beside them.

'So. How'd it go? Come on, tell!'

'Yes, tell tell tell!' trilled Alice as we came within reach of the house.

Edward grinned.

'She's amazing. We came across a lone hiker there, and-' there was a collective gasp '- I know I

should've checked beforehand, sorry, but she just walked away! Like she didn't even notice him!'

Bella looked embarrassed, and, if she had been human, she would have blushed. As it was, she did

look a little opaque. Rosalie came out with Renesmee, and suddenly both Jasper and Jacob were

at my side, in case I tried to attack her.

'Guys, she's ok.' Everyone looked at Edward in surprise.

'Let her say hello.' Now I was surprised. Why would Bella to endanger her by putting her with me,

a crazy blood sucking freak who could lose control at any second and kill Renesmee? It didn't

make sense. But Rosalie was already walking towards me. Jacob stiffened as Rosalie stopped and

held her out. But before I could do anything, the kid was holding out her hand and touching my

face. In my minds' eye I could see everything. It was like when I had one of my visions, except it

wasn't coming from me. It was a recollection of all the times Renesmee had seen me, packed into

one. As she removed her hand and the images faded, I realised I wasn't thirsty. Like, usually when

i'm within a certain radius of her, my throat burns a bit, but it was nothing more than an itch now.

I grinned. I was finally learning.

I looked up, and saw that everyone else, while tense, looked relieved. Jacob, however, looked so

stressed it's a wonder his heart didn't just give out.

'You can have her back,' I muttered to Rosalie, 'save Jacob the stress.' As Renesmee was retracted,

as though attached to a giant claw, Jacob looked so relieved that for a moment I thought he was

going to turn around and thank me - like, speak to me in a way that didn't suggest that I was going

to murder his little angel or that he still didn't trust me. I wish. He took Renesmee, and stalked

off. Rosalie lookeed pretty put out, but joined Emmett in zooming back home.

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