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'Shall I see if Renesmee is awake?'

'What? No! Are you crazy? No way are you going to hurt her!'

'You'll have to concentrate harder, then.'


'Ready? Full power this time. Ok, one, two, three.'

Kate touched Edwards' hand, and he jolted as the volts passed through him. But then he stopped acting like he was in pain and stared at his hand in amazement.

'It's painful, but bearable,' he said, 'it's working!,' he turned to Bella, 'you're amazing!'

'Let's go again, that was great.'

I walked towards them.

'I'll have a go,' I offered, 'give him a break.'

He stepped aside, and I took his place.

Kate grabbed my hand. It wasn't too painful, just like a human dunking their hand in hot water. It hurt, but it wasn't that bad. Then the pain stopped completely.

'Cool!' Then the Bella-field withdrew and I yanked back my hand as I was momentarily given an electric shock.


Kate grinned.

'Sorry, sweetie!'

'Hey Bree,' Emmett hailed me, 'get over here!'

'Bye,' I said as I walked off.

'Yeah, what?'

'You're supposed to train too, don't try and get out of it!'

I groaned. I didn't really want to train, but I knew I had to, the Volturi would be here tomorrow or the next day, and all of the talents needed to be at their sharpest. Everyone, even the experienced vampires, were practicing.

I shrugged and went inside.

'What do you want me to do?'

'Right, I'm gonna be upstairs, and you have to tell me what I'm doing.'

I nodded.

'And if you're thinking of cheating, I'll be as silent as I can.'

He ran upstairs.

I frowned in concentration. I couldn't see anything. Maybe I only had visions before because I was in danger.

It came slowly, and it was really fuzzy. Even with my newborn eyes I couldn't make out much, just a hazy shape moving. Emmett's head appeared at the top of the stairs.

'How's it going?'

'I don't know, it's too fuzzy.'

'Well, keep trying.'

His head disappeared.

'What are you doing?' Rosalie appeared at my shoulder. The look on her face told me that Jacob had just deprived her of Renesmee.

'Trying to see what Emmett's doing upstairs.'

'I wouldn't know much about it, I'm not gifted, but maybe you should stop concentrating so hard? After all, your other visions came to you when you weren't thinking about them much, didn't they?'

She had a point. I relaxed a little, and the picture became clearer.

'It's working!'

I could now see Emmett in my room, picking up my book and looking at the blurb.

'Oi, Emmett!' I called, 'leave my book alone!'

He came galloping downstairs.

'It worked? How was it?'

'Clear as day. And I could hear and smell and everything!'

'Good work, soldier!' He clapped me on the shoulder.

'I think, now, you should try with someone a little trickier,' Rosalie suggested.

Emmett looked at her, then at me.

'Good idea,' he said slyly, then turned his head towards the porch and yelled,

'Oi! Black! You're needed! And bring the kid!'

Jacob came trudging down the corridor, holding hands with Renesmee.

'Renesmee, you need to go upstairs so I can see what you are doing. And try not to be noisy, please.'

She looked at me, her eyes bright.

'Okay,' she said sweetly, let go of Jacob's hand and promptly skipped up the stairs.

'What am I doing?' she asked me.

I tried to see, but it was a bit harder this time. But the longer I tried, the clearer it got.

FINALLY I could see what she was doing.

'You're sitting on your Dad's old sofa, reading a magazine!' I said gleefully. She came downstairs.

'How do you DO that? It's amazing!'

Jacob smiled at her. I turned to him.

'Go on, werewolf. Your turn!' He turned and trudged up the stairs.

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