To Charlie's House We Go

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'Heeyy!' Charlie called as the car pulled up.

'Wow, look at you! You've grown half a foot since I last saw you!' He said as Renesmee got out, 'like, seriously, six inches!'

He looked at the woman next to him, who smiled. I recognised her as Leah and Seth Clearwater's mother, but I didn't know her name.

I took a deep breath, and got out of the car. Big mistake. I shouldn't have taken the breath when I had. The wind blew just as I did it,

and it took all my strength and self-control not to attack. But when the wind died down, I found it wasn't so bad. I could still hear his

heartbeat, and smell his blood, but it was as though it was far away. He blinked as I got out of the car, but regained his composure

with a big smile.

'You must be Bree. I'm Charlie, Bella's dad. Come on in, it's Christmas!'he gestured cheerily. 'And,'

he added, 'how lucky that I bought extra presents this year!'

I grinned. Despite the fact that I kept thinking about killing him, his mood was infectious. Soon we were inside the house, sitting on

the floor of the lounge, laughing, eating (I had to pretend), mucking around, and, of course, unwrapping presents.

I got body soap from Charlie, and a group present from the Cullens and Jacob, which was a voucher for my favourite store. I'd been so

preoccupied, what with being a vampire and all that, that I hadn't been there since my transformation.

'WOW guys, thanks!'

'And now for our one, Charlie!'

Bella handed him an envelope.

'Oh my god!' He said as he opened it, 'gee, thanks, guys! It's a fishing trip for five days! For two!'

'You leave tomorrow.'

'Hey, it sounds like you're trying to get rid of us! Ah, who cares? We'd better start packing!'

I looked at my watch. It was getting late.

'Look, guys, we need to go soon.'

'Sure,' Bella nodded, turning to Charlie, 'do you mind if we leave Renesmee and Jacob here? I have some errands to run.' She turned to

me. 'I'll take you home. No offence, but I think you've had enough of Charlie for one day. Bye Dad! See you soon!'

We walked out of the house and down the driveway towards the car. It was bucketing rain now, but it didn't bother us.


I walked up the stairs and went to my room. The house had so many spare rooms that fitting me in had been no trouble at all. I sat

down on my sofa and picked up my favourite book, Skulduggery Pleasant. I'd read it ten times over, but it didn't matter. As I read, I reached for

the stereo and turned the music on.

One hour later, I heard Bella pull up in the car. I stood up, put my book down and switched the music off before zooming down to the

front door.

'What was that about?' I asked her as she opened the door. She shook her head subtly and upstairs, into Alice and Jasper's room. What

was she doing in there? No one had been in there since they left. She came rushing down the stairs a minute later, holding a backpack,

and walked back out of the door without a backward glance, leaving me exactly where I had been standing the whole time. What was

going on?

Ten minutes later heard the engine of Bella's car start again as she went to collect Jacob and Renesmee. I didn't take longer than a few

seconds to wonder about her strange behaviour because suddenly I was in outer space. I frowned in confusion as I floated past

Neptune. I looked to my left, and saw Zafrina floating five metres away from me.

'Hey, cut it out!' I called. We both laughed, and suddenly I was back in the hallway, everyone who was watching laughing with us.


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