I jump out of an aeroplane.

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As I was sprinting for my life, I saw it. There it was, just ahead of me. An airport. Well, when I say

airport, I actually mean two old rusty bi-planes and a tin building that looked as though it would

boil in summer. Not that it mattered. Anyway, one of the planes was just taking off. I know it

sounds lame, stupid, etc, but I actually thought that maybe if I was quick enough, I could grab

onto the plane, then let go some distance away, say, the other side of America?Maybe even

another country? Lame, I know. But they were really close. And it was either this or die. Because

now they think i'm a murderer, i'm not sure they'd be too understanding. They might not even

give me a chance to say anything, if Jasper gets his way.

I leapt just as the wheels left the ground, and grabbed hold of a little nook in the underbelly of the

plane. The ground below was getting smaller and smaller. I looked down, and there they were,

running onto the runway. One of them, Alice, I think, tried to leap up and grab me, but she missed

me by about six centimetres. She landed looking frustrated, as some of the others tried to grab me

as well, to no avail. If I was in a different mood, I might have blown a kiss or waved or something,

but, looking down at how angry they were at losing me again, most of them with their faces

contorted into snarls (Carlisle and Esme's faces weren't. I don't think they were the kind of people

who snarled),I was honestly just thankful and relieved to get away.


I looked down again. From what I could see, I was somewhere above Quebec. The plane would be

landing soon, and I didn't want to cause any more trouble, so I let myself fall, all three kilometres,

to the ground, landing without a sound. I'd been travelling for three hours, and that was plenty of

time, so I needed to get moving. I wondered how long it would take them to find out where I was.

I sat down in the corner of a dead end street, and, once again, went into a meditative state.

They were almost at the airport where the plane had landed. I was surprised how fast they were. I

thought I had at least lost them for a bit. They must have been tracking the plane from below.

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