Alice + Jasper

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'What of the informer?'

Aro glanced coldly at Eurina.

'Destroy her.'

There was a resounding crack as her head was torn off and her body was set on fire.

'Nooooooooooooo!' The sound coming from Kate and Tanya was so terrible it echoed in the sky.

A couple of other vampires and I grabbed Tanya, to stop her from rushing at Aro. She struggled

fiercely, but we managed to keep a

hold on her. Next to me, Garrett was being continuously shocked by Kate as he tried to hold her back, electricity pulsing all over her

body as she attempted to force him to let go of her.

The next minute, they went limp, as Zafrina blinded them. Edward, who had returned with

Renesmee, came closer to them.

'No, stop. You're reacting exactly how they want you to react.'

'Give us our sight back.'

Zafrina nodded, and their sight was restored.

All this time, the look on Aro's face was so sadistically delighted that I felt like I wanted to go over

there and rip his stupid head off myself.

His expression instantly changed to one of delight.

'Alice! Oh my dear, how glad I am to see you!'

Alice and Jasper came out of the trees to our left, followed by three other people.

One of them broke off and walked to join our group, but the Volturi were too focused on Alice,

Jasper and the other people to pay much attention to her.

She reached us,and grinned.

'Hey, guys! I'm Laura! I know it's a bit late, sorry, but I heard everything from Alice and Jasper.

Anyway, I wanted to help, so here I am!'

We stared at her. We weren't being rude or anything, I guess we were just totally shocked that

anyone could be so cheerful at a time like this.

But then the ice broke, and Carlisle came forward to welcome her and to introduce us all.

Soon she was standing among us, facing the Volturi as they all expectantly looked at Alice.


Do you guys think that I should change the ending a bit and include the fight scene, or should I go along with the movie/book and make it that that was just a vision? I want to include the fight scene, but I can't think of anyway to do that without the Cullens dying. Anyone have any ideas?

Or should I make them die?

Also, many thanks to Lexy11100, who so enthusiastically agreed to appear as our new character, Laura.


Look, guys, can you PLEASE go onto my profile and check out my other stories. Because they don't appear when searched for, they are not getting very many reads, and it's quite annoying.

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